v2024.08.20 AWS

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Every year, all year long, Carlson continuously makes all of their desktop products better so you can be more efficient. These enhancements are rolled out continuously, then added to major updates which are distributed annually in October as a major product release.

The 2023 editions of Carlson Desktop Products were released October 2022 and include 100's of important updates. Most importantly they provide seamless integration with the latest versions of competing CAD products.

If you have a previous version of Carlson desktop products and it is under maintenance, you can automatically generate a 2023 upgraded serial number using this online [ tool ]:

If you would like to demo the 2023 version of any product, call us at 801-412-0011 or send email to cad@igage.com and we will get you a 2021 serial number for a fully enabled 30-day trial.

If your maintenance has lapsed, take a screen shot of your current serial number and send it to cad@igage.com; we will get you an estimate to get back on the maintenance track for the latest version and another full year's updates.

To get your existing serial number, from the main menu click on 'Help: About Carlson' then click on the 'Registration' button:

(1)    (2)

your registration numbers will be displayed:

Take a screen shot (alt-Prt Scr) and send it to cad@igage.com; we will get you a quotation and quickly get you back in the maintenance program.

Whats new in 2023?

● AutoCAD 2023 – Added support for this new version

● IntelliCAD 11.0 (pre-release) – Added support for this new version

● Improved interaction between Rollover Tooltips and Drawing Inspector display

● Export KMZ file has improved shading/transparency

● Improved consistency of dialog boxes

● Added Search function for selecting Zones for State Plane Projections and consistency of Projection selection

● Drawing Inspector dialog box now allows multiple changes at a time


● Added ability to select and draw multiple centerline files.

● Added support for GONS in Annotate Defaults and Label Angle

● Improved control over stationing centerlines including when importing from a CL file

● Added the ability to Edit a GNSS base point coordinates and adjust the associated side shots

● Added option to invert arcs when using sketch tree line

● Improved processing speed for Field to Finish

● Added access to the Symbol Library directly from the Draw Field to Finish dialog box

● Added option to use Point Names when converting Civil 3D Points to Carlson Points

● Added individual horizontal and vertical residual display and process control in Best-Fit Point

● Added new option in Field to Finish to Auto-Annotate Lines, Arcs and Areas

● Added support for GONS in radial stakeout

● Added option to set a symbol rotation in Field to Finish

● Added option to use Mtext in Label latitude longitude coordinates

● Added more decimal options for Map Check

● Added option in Edit/Process Raw to draw side shots from single occupied point for draw traverse/sideshot lines

● Added Global Edit options for GIS/Note/Point Attribute Labels in Field to Finish

● Added option for reporting residuals between measured and stored points in Edit/Process Raw


● Added ability to select and draw multiple centerline files.

● Added support for GONS in Annotate Defaults and Label Angle

● Improved control over stationing centerlines including when importing from a CL file

● Added the ability to Edit a GNSS base point coordinates and adjust the associated side shots

● Added option to invert arcs when using sketch tree line

● Improved processing speed for Field to Finish

● Added access to the Symbol Library directly from the Draw Field to Finish dialog box

● Added option to use Point Names when converting Civil 3D Points to Carlson Points

● Added individual horizontal and vertical residual display and process control in Best-Fit Point

● Added new option in Field to Finish to Auto-Annotate Lines, Arcs and Areas

● Added support for GONS in radial stakeout

● Added option to set a symbol rotation in Field to Finish

● Added option to use Mtext in Label latitude longitude coordinates

● Added more decimal options for Map Check

● Added option in Edit/Process Raw to draw side shots from single occupied point for draw traverse/sideshot lines

● Added Global Edit options for GIS/Note/Point Attribute Labels in Field to Finish

● Added option for reporting residuals between measured and stored points in Edit/Process Raw

Point Cloud

● Improved functionality and interaction between mouse cursor and cloud when drawing and editing polylines

● Selecting polyline from project panel now highlights in scene as well

● Polyline selection now limits to those that exist in the current scene

● Added prompt to view imported polylines into existing scene when imported into a project

● Added the ability to control elevation units of DEM/GeoTIFF if none are contained in the file

● Improved speed of inserting and deleting objects in cloud

● Added informative prompt if user attempts to create a new scene when one already exists containing those same objects

● Improved color edge identification which includes preset defaults for grass and pavement

● Added improved editing tools to trim and adjust color edges

● Added informative message when importing solids with errors

● Improved Autosave function including matching CAD save time and ability to disable

● Added Undo function to Draw All Parking Lines

● Improved Paint Line and Parking Stripe detection

● Added recognition of existing Paint Stripes and Parking Lines to avoid duplication

● Improved feature extraction for poles, hydrants and trees including ability to draw perimeter base

● Color Polyline now works in all color modes

● Added unit based defaults dimensions and additional control over curb extraction

● Added Red warning labels for missing items in the Project Tree

● Improved consistency of the ESC key while in commands

● When performing Bare Earth to Regions, the Regions tab is automatically displayed

● Profile extraction now uses a modeless dialog box for more controlled viewing

● Improved cloud visibility with Intensity Color by automatically setting Minimum and Maximum range limits

● Added adjustment options for Parking Lines and the ability to count and export Stall Numbers

● Added ability to extract Parking Lines, Paint Stripes and Color Edges in other than direct color mode

● Added more options for color selection including sphere, window and perimeter

● Added Shift->right Click Menu Point Filters when creating and editing polylines

● Added new Building Extraction feature

● Improved Bare Earth with more automation and simplified user input

● Added prompts to view cloud when modified with commands such as Clean or Bare Earth

● Added option to set CAD view to approximate cloud view

● Added Station and Width control for Polyline Cross Section view in Camera Tab

● Improved user interaction for Extract Plane command

● Added angle parameter to rotate the survey by grid points

● Added point preview for survey by grid.


● Added Import Carlson Profile and Sta/Elev .CSV file to Channel Design

● Updated functionality and dialog for HydroNET including Import/Export to HydroCAD

● Added pipe sleeve preview.

● Added Broad-Crested Weir and updated outlet, pond and HydroNET accordingly

● Added improvements to Utility Network including profile types, settings and dynamic redraw when the network is revised

● Added known flow different amounts for different rational rain events

● Added Non Erodible Channel preview window, and updated report and draw on screen features

● Added label options for lateral connections including depth at connection

● Added option to draw laterals at station and offset


● Improved interface and functionality for Importing Shape files

● Added ESRI REST Services (Feature Services, Image Services, Map Services)

● Added option to import GIS Attributes from a CSV file

iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East #1;  Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA
+1 801 412-0011 Fax: +1 801 412-0022
orders@igage.com   General iGage Information  Extended Finance  FCC License