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Carlson SurvCE 6.0, SurvPC 6.0

Carlson SurvCE is the first choice in data collection software with advanced, yet easy-to-use functionality. SurvCE contains the most complete tool set for file manipulation, point storing, stakeout, line work, field-to-finish, on-instrument DWG and DXF support, background maps, COGO, advanced roading and robotic instrument support.

Purchase the software for use on your existing data collector (SurvCE), on a field PC (SurvPC) or bundled with a data collector.

Carlson SurvCE includes a complete manual, and all of the support programs needed for operation. (Unlike competing programs you don't need a desktop software package to utilize SurvCE.)

If you are looking for a great handheld receiver, with the brightest VGA screen and Carlson SurvCE bundled, check out the T18!

SurvCE is depreciated because of a lack of new Windows Mobile Data Collectors. SurvPC is highly recommended for all new applications.


SurvCE / SurvPC

Free standard shipping is included for all Carlson Software Products. Software activation codes will be delivered electronically within two days of your order or sooner. Demo / evaluation copies are available for most Carlson products, call us to get demo codes.

SurvCE (the Windows Mobile version) is only available in the 6.xx series, with 6.08 supporting most non-Carlson GNSS products and 6.17 (3 Feb 2023) as the latest released version.

SurvPC (the Windows 10 version) is available as Version 7 and is reccomend for all new applications. It is possible, and often saves $, to cross grade from Version 6 to Version 7. Please call us for help computing the cost.

SurvCE 6.x (Windows Mobile and WinCE Devices)
Part Number Description MSRP
6506.001.000 SurvCE Basic 6.xx (Contains TS Only) $995.00
6506.002.000 SurvCE Robotic SurvCE 6.xx [Requires SurvCE Basic (TS)] $500.00
6506.003.000 SurvCE GPS SurvCE 6.xx [Requires SurvCE Basic (TS)] $1,000.00
6506.003.001 SurvCE SurvCE 6.xx GPS Only SurvCE $1,250.00
6506.004.000 Advanced Roading SurvCE 6.0 [Requires SurvCE Basic (TS) or GPS] $500.00
  Upgrades from previous SurvCE versions:
Part Number Description MSRP
6506.606.999 SurvCE 6.xx Upg from SurvCE 5.xx 150.00
6506.606.103 SurvCE 6.xx Upg from SurvCE 4.xx 300.00
6506.606.102 SurvCE 6.xx Upg from SurvCE 3.xx 450.00
6506.606.101 SurvCE 6.xx Upg from SurvCE 2.xx 600.00
SurvPC 6.x (for use on Windows 10/11)  
Part Number Description MSRP
6606.001.000 SurvPC Basic (Contains TS Only) $1,500.00
6606.002.000 SurvPC Robotic [Requires SurvPC Basic (TS)] $500.00
6606.003.000 SurvPC GPS [Requires SurvPC Basic (TS)] $1,000.00
6606.003.001 SurvPC GPS Only [Does not Requires SurvPC Basic (TS)] $1,750.00
6606.004.000 Advanced Roading [Requires SurvPC Basic (TS) or GPS] $500.00
  Please call us for special upgrade pricing from
competitive products!  +1 801-412-0011
SurvPC 7.x (for use on Windows 10/11)  
Part Number Description MSRP
6607.001.000 SurvPC Basic (Contains TS Only) $1,500.00
6607.002.000 SurvPC Robotic [Requires SurvPC Basic (TS)] $500.00
6607.003.000 SurvPC GPS [Requires SurvPC Basic (TS)] $1,000.00
6607.003.001 SurvPC GPS Only [Does not Requires SurvPC Basic (TS)] $1,750.00
6607.004.000 Advanced Roading [Requires SurvPC Basic (TS) or GPS] $500.00
6607.999.606 SurvPC 7 upgrade from SurvPC Version 6 $395
6607.999.607 SurvPC 7 upgrade from SurvPC Version 5 $595
6607.999.608 SurvPC 7 upgrade from SurvPC Version 4 $895
6607.999.609 SurvPC 7 crossgrade from SurvCE Version 6 $750
  Please call us for special upgrade pricing from
competitive products!  +1 801-412-0011
More Information: [ Carlson Webpage CE Carlson Webpage PC ]
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iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East #1;  Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA
+1 801 412-0011 Fax: +1 801 412-0022

email orders@igage.com   General iGage Information        v2024.12.27 AWS