AutoCAD 2014 – Added support for
this new version.
IntelliCAD 7.2 – Improved performance and stability.
Symbol Library – Added 18 new 3D symbols, 130 new points symbols
and 5 new north arrows.
Toolbars – Added 38 new toolbar icons.
Linetypes – Added 16 new linetypes.
Hatches – Added 7 new hatches.
Unlock Attributes – New command to unlock block attributes.
Drawing Cleanup – Added method to set negative thickness for
polylines to zero.
Median Offset – New command to create median polyline between
two existing polylines.
Merge Closed Polylines – New command to select closed polylines
and enter a min area and then automatically merge too small polylines.
Join Nearest – Added option to elevate zero linework to matching
linework at elevation.
Annotative Text – Added support for creating annotative text.
Text Styles – In Drawing Setup , added method to create text
styles for various sizes for current drawing scale.
Convert Text To MText – New command to create MText from selected
Text entities.
Text Capitalization – New command to set capitalization of
selected text.
Text On Polyline – New command to create text that follows
a polyline.
Text Unmask – New command to remove text masks from selected
text entities.
Curve – Arrow – Added option for draw text and put all options
into a dialog.
Leader with Text – Added option to store and recall text for
the labels.
Layer Turn Off By Pick – New command to turn layer off by picking
an entity on that layer.
Layer Turn Off By Selection – New command to turn layers off
by selecting entities on the layers.
Turn On Layers – New command to turn on layers that were turned
off by the layer off commands.
Freeze Layer By Name – New command to enter layer name to freeze.
Thaw Layer By Name – New command to enter layer name to thaw.
Isolate Layer By Name – New command to enter layer names to
3D Viewer Window – Created faster dynamic zoom, pan and rotate
for large models. View rotation works from current view center instead
of overall model center. Added functions to save and load the model
to a .3dx file. Added model view tree for setting properties of objects
and turning layers on/off. Added transparent shading mode for surfaces.
Twist Screen Restore Due North – Added option to choose between
geodetic or grid north.
Align Paper Space with Model Space – New command to pan the
view to match a pair of points between paper and model space.
Section Line – New command to draw section line with labels
in plan view.
Arc By Tangent/PC/PT – New command to draw an arc defined by
tangent-in, PC point and PT point.
Curve Info – Added tangent-in and tangent-out to the report.
Export Google Earth – Added option to easily create URL to
KML results for sharing results with others. When exporting linework,
special data attached to linework such as volumes attached to perimeter
polylines become tags for display in Google Earth. Added support for
text, image and solid entities. Added settings for transparency of data
when shown in Google Earth.
Data Collection SurvCE – Added
method to transfer using external drive and method to transfer by copying
files to a folder. Added support for .STK files.
Draw Locate Points – Added Match Properties function to pick
existing point to set current point style.
Edit Process Raw Data – Added support for entering and reporting
angles with decimal seconds. Added option for reporting raw data to
use the report formatter.
Edit Process Level Data – Added option to use the report formatter
for reports. Added imports for Topcon and old Carlson LEV formats.
Field-To-Finish – Added new pipe special coding to create pipe
polylines with assigned width with option to draw 3D pipes. Added height
parameter and option to use point number for tree id for the tree special
coding. Added method to make two and three point curves tangent by adjusted
the PC/PT points as needed within a given tolerance. New special code
ZO for points to be used for elevation only when creating linework.
New special code PHOTO for specifying image to attach to the point symbol.
Added method to automatically stop linework when there is a gap in the
point numbers for the linework code.
Cut Sheet – Added method to filter the spreadsheet by point#
or description. Added function to label in drawing with full control
of fields (cut/fill, station/offset, point#, elevations and description).
Added report style with design and survey data on separate lines and
added option for summary statistics in the report. Added method to pair
survey and design point numbers manually.
Lock Points – New set of commands to lock selected points in
the coordinate database to prevent modifications.
Coordinate Transformation – Added method to grid to grid transformations
between user-defined projections.
Freeze/Thaw Point Attributes – New commands to freeze or thaw
all the point attributes in the drawing.
Create Points From Entities – Added method to number points
from left to right or top to bottom.
Building Offset Extensions – Added options for perpendicular
and for second offsets.
Point Group Manager – Points specified by number now retain
user-specified order. New editor with method to flag radius points.
Added import groups from another coordinate file or C&mmp;G points list
PTS file.
Compare Points – Added method to create point groups for point
matching status.
Twist Point Attributes – Added option to twist specific attributes
instead of whole point. Added option to set perpendicular when using
line for angle reference.
Mask Point Attributes – New command create wipeout behind selected
point attributes to hide other entities.
Edit Multiple Point Attributes – Added save/load settings to
file for managing different point styles.
Calculate Offsets – Added prefix/suffx label settings.
Legal Description – Added method to use point group for input.
Enter Deed Description – Added option to apply a rotation to
the entered angles. Added option to use curve calculator to enter curves.
Irregular Boundary Adjustment – New command to adjust angle/distance
courses between two control points.
Polyline Compass Adjustment – New command to adjust misclosure
at end of polyline by compass rule.
Bearing-Distance Intersect – Added support for geodetic angles
and distances.
Distance-Distance Intersect – Added support for geodetic distances.
Perpendicular Intersect – New command to find intersection
perpendicular from a point to another point and angle.
Tangent Intersect – New command to find tangential intersection
from a point to another point and distance.
Best Fit Line – Added method to process points for two parallel
lines and create two parallel lines.
Best Fit Centerline – Added option to create only tangents
to PIs.
Inverse – Added option to report geodetic distances.
Geodetic Traverse – New command to traverse by entering geodetic
bearings and distances.
Double Proportion – New command for geodetic double proportion
Area Labels – Added fields for geodetic areas and area centroid
northing and easting.
Inverse With Area – Added methods to use linework or point
group for input. New option to report closure by angle/distance precision.
Added option to adjust perimeter by compass rule with option to draw
adjusted polyline.
Polyline To Special Line – Added controls for spacing gaps
and sizing labels.
Annotate Distances – Added option to label distances in chains
and option to label geodetic distances.
Auto Annotate – Added method to use point group for input.
Create Point Table – Added settings for the header and footer
for the table. Added setting for the max number of rows before splitting
to a new table. Added option to create table with coordinates in degrees,
minutes, seconds format.
Label Lat/Lon – Added option to label using an attribute block
and added option for elevation.
Draw Profile – Added a method
to draw sheets in model space and create layouts in paperspace with
viewports for the profiles in model space. For redrawing updated profiles,
program now only redraws the updated profile instead of the entire profile
sheet. Added new controls for text layers and styles for many types
of labels such as pipe labels. Horizontal Label Box now shifts labels
or skip within a tolerance to avoid overlaps, has new fields for combined
cut/fill, descriptions and MXS stations, new options to use road high/low
stations or centerline special stations for labels, and new controls
for which profiles to use for break point stations and which fields
to have vertical lines. For road labels, added option to label PVI next
to the PVI and option for slope arrow along the profile line. Added
option to prefix all layers with name of first profile. Added option
to draw matchline elevation. For PVI labels on reverse vertical curves,
added label controls for combined PVC/PVT station. For break point leaders,
added option to label centerline special stations and added method to
position labels on row offset from grid bottom. Added option for station
grid added to start and end of profile. For sewer profiles, added option
to draw short pipes at the start and end. For sewer labels, added method
for vertical line with fixed height and added option to label invert-in
separately at bottom of manhole. Added option to hatch cut/fill areas
between two profiles. Added setting for offset from grid for linework
crossing labels.
Design Template – Added setting for vertical offset of profile
to handle elevated center of profile for medians. Added method to create
template by selecting a polyline.
Template Grade Table – Added support for controlling cut/fill
Road Network – New user-interface with tree view of road elements
for compact project view and right-click functions. Added support for
following template point centerlines with arcs including handling cases
that cross the centerline. Added method to draw 2D linework. Added support
for intersections with a zero radius.
Locate Template Points – Added option for creating points at
special stations.
Vehicle Path Tracking – Added method to place vehicle along
path at picked station with real-time preview.
Draw Single Manhole – Upgraded to support all the manhole dimensions
and label settings
Input Edit Sewer Profile – New command for editing sewer structures
and pipes in a spreadsheet.
Draw Spot Elevations – Added options to prompt for description
and to apply a text mask.
Input Edit Section File – Added method to graphically edit
offset points.
Extend Progress Sections – New command to extend sections that
partially cover design sections to reach the full extent of the design.
Section Area Report – New command to report surface area from
the cross sections.
Calculate Section Volumes – Added support for using a third
cross section representing a stage of progress for reporting progress
quantities. Added option for inclusion perimeter to limit area for volume
Draw Section File – Added option to label elevations at an
offset interval.
Slope/Length/Elev Calculator – New command to calculate slope
length from elevation difference and slopes.
Cut/Fill Width Analysis – Added support for report formatter
and option for multiple offsets.
Surface 3D Flyover – Runs separately from CAD for dual CAD/3D
Viewer display. New function to pick in 3D viewer and zoom in CAD or
place marker. New option to draw icon for current vehicle position.
Added transparent shading mode for surfaces.
Triangulate and Contour – Improved memory usage to increase
capacity of data model by 50% which also improved speed.
Triangulation File Utilities – Added functions to transform
TIN by translate, rotate and scale.
Surface Inspector – Added option to report elevation difference
between two surfaces.
Cut/Fill Labels – Added setting for deep cut/fill tolerance
with settings for layer and color for cut/fill/daylight.
Slope Zone Analysis – Added median slope value for each zone
to the report
Slope At Points – Added option for report output.
Design Bench Pond – Added support for using surface file for
bottom of the pond.
Footprint Creator – New command for placing blocks into drawing
for different building footprints with various building options and
ability to draw labels.
Set Linework Angles To Nearest Second – New command adjusts
linework to set angles to the nearest second.
Set Linework Intersections To Perpendicular – New command to
adjust linework with a tolerance at T-intersections to be perpendicular.
Cleanup Lot Linework – New command that finds any overshoots
or undershoots in the lot linework with the options to highlight or
fix the errors.
Lot Network Subdivide Area – Added method to size lots by frontage.
Lot Network Report – Added option to use the report formatter
and added reporting of the frontage.
Lot File By Closed Linework – New command to create lots for
each closed area from the selected linework.
Lot File Manager – Added method to draw lots as non-overlapping
lines and arcs in addition to closed polylines. Added function to set
clockwise point order for selected lots. Added function to create point
groups. Added option for station/offset from reference CL for report
Rainfall Events – For rational
method, added 1 year event and user-defined year event.
Watershed Analysis – Improved processing speed by 300%.
Network Plan View Labels – Added options to draw pipe labels
as mtext and to draw funnel flared end at end of pipe.
Lateral Design – Added riser height and slope parameters. Added
option for lateral extension for cleanout to building. Added method
to update laterals when mainline changed. Added many new settings for
the plan view labeling.
Sewer Network – Added pipe connection wizard to visualize adding
new pipe connection to existing pipe line.
Create/Edit/Remove Lateral Structure – New set of commands
for updating the lateral network model.
Collision Conflict Check – Added option to draw symbols at
HydroNet Explorer – Added method to add a single link for culverts.
Define GIS Features – Added import
from Trimble FXL files.
Data Capture – Added support for ungrouped text.
Attach Image To Entity – Added support for attaching files
besides images to entities such as PDFs.
Drivers: Upgraded many drivers
from the SurvCE updates.
Track Position – Added method to track position within the
3D Viewer window.
Geologic Column – Added option
for all attributes on single line to help avoid overlaps. Added option
to append bed name to strata name. Added option to use MLeader for label
Graphic Drillhole Report – New command to create formatted
report with geologic column plus data columns.
Parent/Child Strata Splits – Improved reporting in Surface
Mine Reserves to automatically report quantities as parent strata for
areas without children strata.
Calculate Variogram – Created new interface and closer linkage
with StrataCalc.
Compare Strata To Model – New command compares strata elevation/thickness/attribute
data to strata models.
Digitize Profile – New command
to create a profile by digitizing.
Digitize Cross Sections – Added method for subgrades by specified
Raster To Text – New command to use character recognition to
convert label images into text entities.
Vector To Text – New command to convert labels made of linework
into text entities.
Raster Snaps – Added preview of snap location to see current
snap position.
Trench Network Quantities – Added option to draw trench in
Model 3D Viewer – New command to view BIM model with textures.
Import Architecture IFC File to Drawing – New command to import
BIM model from IFC to 3D Faces.
Import Architecture IFC File to Model – New command to import
BIM model from IFC to OBJ format.
Export Architecture IFC File - New command to output a surface
model to IFC format.
Create Profile – Added method
to create profiles directly from the cloud in addition to mesh.
Create Sections – Added method to create sections directly
from the cloud in addition to mesh.
Create Contours – Added method to create contours directly
from the cloud in addition to mesh.
Extract Plane – New function to create a best-fit plane from
a selected spot in the cloud. Includes method to create breakline at
intersection of two planes.
Clean Cloud – Added new redundant point method that quickly
and effectively reduces cloud data.
Trace Polyline – New function to create polylines by following
a selected color or intensity spot on cloud data.
LAS Format – Added support for color and intensity properties
on import and export.
Point Cloud Engine – Added option to use Carlson engine in
addition to Pointools.