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Carlson Civil

What might take days with other civil software, takes just hours, or even minutes, with the powerful, intuitive Carlson Civil.

Thanks to its wide selection of "power tools", Carlson Civil is a superior choice for civil technicians, designers and engineers. It provides the highest level of robust automation and ease-of-use of any civil design solution available today. Using Carlson Civil will increase your productivity and enable you to create better designs in less time.

Carlson Civil - with 64-bit capability and Windows 7 compatibility - runs atop any AutoCAD, including regular AutoCAD Civil 3D, versions 2018-2023 or on the included IntelliCAD engine.

[ Improvements ]

Carlson Civil: better, more dependable and easier to use tools.


Road NETwork Build roads, intersections and cul-de-sacs in 2D and 3D with a single click of the “PROCESS” button.
SiteNET Elevate your estimating accuracy with this intuitive layer-based surface generator and earthwork calculator.
LotNET Quickly define an entire subdivision of lots based on an outer boundary, interior ROWs or Centerlines, and a simple set of user-defined “rules,” then pick “PROCESS” and the lots appear, defined and labeled.
These Civil tools include the IntelliCAD engine or may be run on-top-of
AutoCAD/MAP/LDD/C3D 2018 - 2023 [ click for more information ]

Free standard shipping is included for all Carlson Software Products. Software activation codes will be delivered electronically within two days of your order. Products available in the USA only.

Part Number Description Price  
xxxx.002.001 Civil $1,950.00
xxxx.999.001C 12 Months Maintenance Civil $195.00
xxxx.002.500 Local License to Network License $195.00
xxxx.999.001NC 12 Months Maintenance Network Civil $214.50
  Please call us for special upgrade pricing from
competitive products!  +1 801-412-0011
More Information [ Brochure ]
[ Online Manual (.PDF) ]
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iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East #1;  Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA
+1 801 412-0011 Fax: +1 801 412-0022

email orders@igage.com   General iGage Information        v2024.12.27 AWS