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        The essential solution for professional surveyors

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X-PAD Ultimate is your field software solution to efficiently leverage the power and connectivity of standard Android devices with modern, mature, complete and fully functional data collection software.

X-PAD Ultimate Survey is the best solution for all design survey, property survey, and layout needs. Combining data collection from GeoMax / iGage / other instruments X-PAD provides you with complete survey features, data integration, scalability and the latest technology – X-PAD covers all your field collection needs.

If you are interested in X-PAD don't hesitate to call us and get a free 30-day demo. It will run well on any Android device, you can checkout all of the functions using the GPS receiver in the Android device, or the Total Station emulator.

Optional Robotic, X-Pole optical + GNSS, GIS, Volume, BIM, Locator, Bathometry, advanced Roading, PicPoint measurements from photos and BIM modules extend your survey investment to optimize complex workflows.

Android based data collectors just provide a superior field platform:

  • rugged tablets and phones, hardened cases, easy replacement and availability
  • heavy-duty, reasonably priced, obtainable pole brackets
  • check out these [ Customer Designed Solutions ]
  • quick charging, extreme battery life, standard cables
  • brighter, higher resolution, higher contrast, outdoor viewable screens with the best capacitive touch screens
  • superior connectivity via built-in cellular connections, automatic data uploads to the cloud
  • the highest quality internal cameras
  • modern phones have superior Bluetooth for extended long-range connections to robots. Twice the range of dedicated Windows Mobile devices, as far as 2,000 feet: [ Google Pixel 4a Robotic Bluetooth Range Video ]
  • amazing eco-system of Android helper apps and tools available from the Google Play Store
  • no forced, slow system updates that repeatedly keep you from working
  • no obsolete and depreciated connection schemes (Windows Mobile Device Center)
  • browse to secure web resources
  • internal mapping grade GNSS receivers (built into the phone) allow for recon without RTK or Robotic deployment
  • extensive web-based background maps

X-PAD's included office component X-PAD Fusion adds additional data import/export support and can be extended to support Point Clouds, terrestrial and drone-based photo management and stitching.

X-PAD Brochures, User Manuals, Getting Started Guides


X-PAD X-PERT Maintenance

Reasonably priced X-PERT maintenance ($250 / Year) keeps your X-PAD software updated to the latest version with the latest features and enhancements.

One year's maintenance is included with the initial purchase, up-to three years extension can be added.

Expired maintenance can be retroactively extended for up to one year.

[ Maintenance Discussion

X-PAD Demos

Job Selectionn

3D View

Fully functional, 30-day X-PAD demos are available.

Quick and easy to install on your existing Android device, the demo can later be converted to a licensed copy by simply adding a license number.

First, call or contact iGage for a demo serial number:


This short [ Demo FAQ ] will help you activate the demo.

Next, these detailed iGage Getting-Started Guides will quickly lead you through installation, localization and deployment:

GPS: Page 6 of
  [ X-PAD Getting Started with GNSS ]

Total Station: Page 3 of
  [ X-PAD Getting Started with Zoom 90 Robotics ]

Finally, this short video will show you all the steps (from the Getting Started guides) for getting started:

Video thumbnail: X-PAD 01 Installing, Localizing, Defaults

X-PAD Pricing

Measurement Markup

Bathymetric Survey Option

Multiple Feature Stacking

X-Pad is competitively priced (updated 12/24/2024)
(click [ field software comparison ] for price and feature comparisons):
X-PAD Ultimate Survey Pricingg
  Updated January 2022, please call for quotations and bundles
Cross-grades from other field tools are available, please call.

GNSS: Support for GPS receivers #963978 (checkout the Premium package below)

$ 1,200

TS: Manual Total Station #963980
(checkout the Premium package below)

$ 1,200

Robotics (add to TS)

Extend the TS main module with features that allow full control of motorized and robotic total stations. Includes MEP functions. #964020
(checkout the Premium package below)

$ 475


Import road design data from different formats, stakeout any element in the alignment with a variety of methods.  #964026

$ 445


Automate repetitive robotic measurements and web-SMS-Email reporting for monitoring applications. #964021

$ 1,620


Create and import 3D surfaces to be used for all stakeout operations. It includes functions for the calculation of the volumes according to different methods. #964023

$ 445


Manage bathymetric surveys by acquiring depth data from echo sounder and GNSS positions. This includes a route control. #964024

$ 925


Requires TPS+ROBOTICS+GNSS modules

$ 445


Allows to import and manage 3D IFC model files. Elements to layout can be isolated then data can be extracted for the stakeout. Tools to compare directly on the field design with as-built are included.

included with TPS and/or GNSS


Set of commands to use in combination with Robotic Total Station to help Mechanics, Electricians, and Plumbers to install components in the building..

included with Robotics


Define GIS features and attributes to be assigned to measured points. It includes import and export functions of GIS data. #964029

$ 79.50


Connect to utility locators and record depths at corresponding GNSS positions. #964030

$ 79.50


  >> Premium <<

  GNSS, TS and Robotic #963985

$ 2,050

 Survey Super Premium


$ 3,300


[ FAQ on X-Pert maintenance ]

X-PERT (1-Year Maintenance) #5311366

$ 330

X-PERT Renewal
Out of maintenance for more than 1-year #5311412

$ 330

X-PAD 365 Service
[ see 365 Packages ]

365 Basic


365 Professional single user #5310912

$ 171 / year

365 Enterprise 5-users #5310913

$ 435 / year

365 Enterprise 15-users with 200 GB #5310920
  add to Enterprise 5-users



X-PAD Videos

Mark Silver's Introduction to X-Pad
Step by step:
 Loading GEOIDS and local projections
 Configuring default settings
Step-by-step, setting up a network rover in X-Pad
Setting up a UHF Base with X-PAD.
Setting up a UHF Rover in X-PAD, step-by-step.
How to transfer files, jobs, exported results back and forth from your field data collector to your office computer.

Click => [ Bluetooth Range ]

If you are considering switching to X-PAD on an Android data collector, you might be concerned about Bluetooth range.

Purpose built devices like the Mesa 3, RT4, Surveyor 2 enjoy a 1,000 foot range in open environments to a Zoom 90 robot with a Long Range Bluetooth handle. X-PAD on a $350 Google Pixel 4a phone has over a 1,900 foot range.

In this short video, I point the robot at a prism on the back of my pickup, then drive down the road with a standard Google Pixel 4a phone in my breast pocket; inside the truck; with the engine on; driving away from the robot.

Not only does the collector never skip a measurement, but I can get out of my truck, break the connection, then search/find the robot from scratch. It just works.

There is a short bonus segment at the video end showing how the cameras used to make the video are attached to the robot.

X-PAD Fusion
X-Pole: one pole, two systems
Keven Corraza, how X-PAD started
GeoMax X-PAD Ultimate - The Ultimate solution in the field
X-PAD Ultimate Surface and Volume

X PAD Multiple Sets of Doubled Angles

iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East #1;  Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA
+1 801 412-0011 Fax: +1 801 412-0022

email orders@igage.com   General iGage Information        v2024.12.27 AWS