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Quick Links:

[ Why choose Carlson? ]
[ Download Fully Functional Demos ]
[ Competitive Cross-grades and Upgrades ]
[ Take-Home Copies ]
[ Embedded vs. Add-On vs. IntelliCAD Engine ]
[ More About IntelliCAD ]

Why should you choose Carlson instead of the competition?

Better, more dependable and easier to use tools: Carlson works the way you think and Carlson works.

Easier to learn: Carlson products work the way we (engineers) think

Real telephone support: if you have a question you can call knowledgeable factory support engineers who can help you work through any issues. You don't need a current software maintenance agreement for access to factory support. Support is provided for users evaluating products, licensed users and users whose software has fallen out of a current maintenance agreement.

Reasonable Pricing: the initial purchase price of Carlson is usually a fraction of comparable products.

Reasonable Maintenance Pricing: All Carlson software includes 90 days of updates, if a new major software revision is released you automatically will receive it. For 10% per year you can continue to keep your software investment up-to-date. Remember that you don't need to have a current maintenance agreement to receive free factory support!

Sanity Checked Product Migration: buttons don't move, functions remain similar between versions. Updating does not equal starting over with Carlson!

Easy-to-Use: remember that Carlson is not too complicated for surveyors and engineers to learn and use. You won't need a consultant to set it up and maintain Carlson desktop products.

Download Fully Functional Demos

Download the latest version of Carlson Civil Suite to your computer, try out the fully functional version for 30-days. During the evaluation period, Carlson factory support will be happy to answer any questions that you might have just as if you were a registered customer.

Call us (+1 801-412-0011) or send us a note by email cad@igage.com and we will send you a serial number and links to enable the demo.

You can download the latest, fully functional desktop software from this [ Demo Link ].

Competitive Upgrades and Cross Grades

If you have recently purchased or upgraded a competing product, don't despair! Call us for a competitive cross-grade deal!

Call for the best cross grade pricing: +1 801-412-0011

Carlson Take-Home Copies

Carlson desktop products include a 'Take Home' copy. This allows you to install a copy on your office machine and install a second, authorized copy on your laptop or home computer.

Embedded vs. Add-On vs. IntelliCAD®

Carlson desktop products can installed and run with three different engines:

  • on top of any AutoCAD version (2018 through 2023)

  • for use with the latest IntelliCAD engine (which is included in the distribution)

  • Embedded AutoCAD (Available with Carlson Survey and Takeoff Only)

Existing AutoCAD (On-Top-Of)

Carlson desktop products will install 'on-top-of' your existing AutoCAD software. Supported AutoCAD versions include: regular AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map, AutoCAD Land Desktop, AutoCAD Civil 3D. All AutoCAD versions from 2004 through 2013, 32-bit and 64-bit are supported. The Carlson installer automatically takes care of the installation details.

IntelliCAD Engine

The Carlson installer includes the latest released version of IntelliCAD (and perhaps the latest BETA version), you can choose to automatically install Carlson products with either IntelliCAD engine.

Even if your office needs the full blown AutoCAD engine, you may benefit from using the AutoCAD engine at the office and deploying the 'Take Home Copy' at home with the IntelliCAD engine.

Embedded AutoCAD Engine

Carlson desktop products are also available with the 'Embedded AutoCAD Engine'.

The Embedded alternative is more expensive:

Carlson Embedded Survey (2022 OEM Engine) $2,995 (MSRP)
Carlson Survey (IntelliCAD or runs on AutoCAD 2000-2023) $1,950 (MSRP)

And maintenance updates of the Embedded Survey product are not available. A upgrade copy must be purchased with each new release (approximately $675 vs. $185 per year.)

If you have any full version of AutoCAD from 2004 through 2013 (anything other than AutoCAD LT) then the Carlson product will work directly on top of your existing engine. If you are an AutoCAD LT user, then the IntelliCAD engine will provide enhanced functionality.

The Embedded AutoCAD engine is appropriate for power users who need absolute file and configuration compatibility with other AutoCAD 2017 users.

More about IntelliCAD

The IntelliCAD® Technology Consortium (ITC) is an organization of members and focuses on the development of the IntelliCAD CAD platform compatible with the DWG file format. ITC members [ full list of members ] each focus on the customization and marketing of CAD solutions based on the IntelliCAD technology.

A great history of the IntelliCAD engine and development can be found at Wikipedia: [ IntelliCAD ]. There is additional information for early releases (V6.5) of IntelliCAD on the Carlson website: [ Carlson History of IntelliCAD ]. An absolutely fabulous description of the history, backwater, gossip and and comparison by Ralph Grabowsky dated September 2004 can be found here: [ Outside Look In At IntelliCAD ]

[ Compare IntelliCAD 11 to Autodesk® AutoCAD® ]

IntelliCAD 11.0 was [ released ] August 4th 2022. Release 11 [ details ].

IntelliCAD 10.0 was [ released ] July 30th, 2020.

IntelliCAD 9.0 was released June 29th 2018 [ 2019 ICad Improvements ]

IntelliCAD 8.0 was released in June 2014 and includes 64-bit support: [ IntelliCAD 2015 Improvements ]

IntelliCAD 7.1 was released 11 November 2011 and includes significant enhancements to printing, multiline text, .PDF file export, .DGN file support and layout enhancements.

With each new release of IntelliCAD, the IntelliCAD engine is greatly improved. 90% of all commands are identical or nearly identical to AutoCAD. Some commands run a bit slower, some are much faster. Most users will not notice any compatibility problems or have any issues.

Many AutoCAD Map and LDD users find it is easier to upgrade to Carlson Civil with the IntelliCAD engine than it is to the latest AutoCAD 2013 version.  If you are a power AutoCAD user who uses most of the features of 2013, you probably won't be happy with the IntelliCAD engine. However if you are 'just a regular' user with a job to do, the IntelliCAD engine will be a fantastic, cost effective engine.

Offices using using AutoCAD LT for survey applications will certainly benefit from IntelliCAD's support of LISP, ShapeFiles, GeoTIFF (and other georeferenced raster images), 3D data, XREFs, extensive imaging engine and all of the other features not includ3ed in AutoCAD LT.

It is much less expensive to deploy Carlson IntelliCAD based Survey solutions to field crews, project managers and temporary employees.

iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East #1;  Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA
+1 801 412-0011 Fax: +1 801 412-0022

email orders@igage.com   General iGage Information        v2024.12.27 AWS