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Apache 3 Pro
Uncrewed Marine Survey Vehicle

[ specifications ]  [ pricing ]  [ pictures ]


The Apache 3 Pro is a compact, high performance marine Uncrewed Survey Vessel (USC) with single beam echosounder, precision GNSS and high-speed IMU technology for a wide range of hydrographic survey applications.

[ Apache 3 Pro datasheet ]

[ D270 Echo sounder datasheet ]

Uses: Hydrographic Survey, Environmental, Dredging, Construction, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, Energy, Mining




3-Hour Voyage


Millimeter-wave automatic obstacle avoidance

The built-in millimeter-wave, 110° ahead angle obstacle avoidance system autonomously detects and charts a safe course around obstacles, minimizing the risk of collision damage during operation.

355° degree high speed camera enables remote override and supervision.


Dependable real-time data for security and productivity

A combination Wi-Fi and optional cellular network with automatic switching capabilities ensures reliable communications.

Cloud-based remote monitoring is seamlessly integrated to provide real-time information on the status of the vessel enhancing control and security.

Auto-return to home protects against low battery and signal loss.

Shielded motors allow diverse water operation

Recessed 800 watt motors with an internal rotor results in a shallow draft, lower water resistance and extended motor life. Speeds greater than 13 mph with quick acceleration.

There are no external cables on the boat for motors, GNSS, cameras or radar greatly reducing the risk of damage.


High speed, high accuracy IMUs enable operation under bridges

A 200 Hz internal measurement unit (IMU) ensures consistent position accuracy when navigating under bridges. Tight integration of GNSS and IMU sensors also compensates for the effects of hull sway and eliminates data outliers.

Lightweight design

Constructed from macro-molecular polyester carbon fiber and Kevlar glass fiber the Apache 3 is a remarkably light 22 lb. triple hull with the possibility of 65 lb. payloads.

This allows a single operator to deploy in a variety of locations.



Single-beam echo sounder for bathymetric survey

The APACHE 3 Pro comes with a fully integrated with a D270 single-beam echo sounder and flush mounted transducer.

With an integrated built-in water temperature sensor, real-time sound velocity corrections result in superior depth measurement accuracy.

More Apache 3 Pro information

See the [ Datasheet ] for additional details.

3.44' long x 0.55' wide x 1.28 high; 61 lbs. with batteries. Can be transported in a small vehicle and deployed by a single operator.

3-hour operation at 5 MPH on 2 batteries, quick charging with 2 extra batteries allows nearly continuous operation if shore power is available for charging.

Unlike other USV's, the Apache 3 Pro has no external wires, attachment brackets, external GNSS receivers and other sensors mounted on high poles. All connections are hull-internal. The camera has a 355° unobstructed view other than the radio antennas, there are no receiver masts in any direction.

The Apache 3 Pro's internal wiring is fully dressed and protected. There are no unsheathed wires to snag.

A suitable RTK base or network correction source is required. An [ i83 ] or [ iBase ] with a copy of [ LandStar8 ] is a perfect companion device.

The Apache 3 Pro is not a mad-science project with cables going from transducers mounted on afterthought brackets attached to the hull. This is a well-engineered, 4th generation product where all the transducers, motor wiring, cameras, radar, antennas are designed into the hull. The internal wiring is dressed and protected for continuous real-world use.

Echo Sounder

The D270 sounder is temperature compensated to improve accuracy.

Sounding range: 0.5 to 650 feet (ideal conditions)

Sounding accuracy: 0.03 feet + 0.1% * Depth, at 100' depth = 0.13'

Frequency: 200 kHz


The internal high-speed, high-accuracy IMU is used to correct for vessel attitude (pitch and roll):

The IMU also provides loss of GNSS lock real-time navigation when running under bridges.

Combined with dual-GNSS receivers for heading there is no need for an electronic compass.

Dual, full constellation RTK receivers with IMU enhancement provide 0.3" position and 0.2° heading accuracy.


The recessed motor helps operation in aquatic vegetation while reducing draft. High-speed, high-torque 7,200 rpm brushless DC motors reach 6 meter/second (12 MPH) with quick acceleration. Over-speed mitigation extends motor life when operating in weeds and fouling plants.

Motors have internal wiring so there are no cables on the exterior of the hull.

Balanced power supply system

Dual packs allow hot swapping. Discharges batteries equally to lower cell temperature and stress.

Obstacle avoidance

Millimeter wave radar allows automatic obstacle avoidance with a 120-foot range. A bottom tracking algorithm issues a shoal alert when the Apache encounters very shallow water.

Double hull, IP67 rated hatch, reduced penetrations, higher stability hull design increases vessel security.

Auto-return for low battery and loss of telemetry and RC control.

Comparing to the competition

Consider these items when comparing to the competition:

  • Lighter weight, smaller size, reduced height allows easier transportation and single operator deployment.
  • Faster speed, longer run time.
  • Dual GNSS receivers for heading.
  • Integrated IMU.
  • 4G LTE cellular backhaul.
  • Data storage redundancy: internal and controller.
  • Clean design without external mechanical brackets, cables and equipment boxes.
  • 65 lb. payload capacity.
  • Extremely shallow 4" draft.
  • Known pricing, spare part availability, rentals and charters.

Detailed questions?

Ian can help you!

[ Ian Fairweather ], ian@igage.com +1-406-209-8259


iGage has transparent pricing and we maintain ready-to-ship stock and spare parts.

[ 10-24 Financing ] is available for USV kits.

Call +1-801-412-0011 for a quotation and delivery options.

Part Number Description Price
8004 010 031  

Complete APACHE3 Pro USV kit
with Android controller and all software

Includes 1-day training at our Bozeman Montana Facility.
Does not include shipping.

$ 29,995

  200305020502 The Hull of APACHE3 Pro USV (Including D270 & Camera)
4104040009 qty 4 Li-Ion Battery (23,100mAh 32.4v)
4104070030 qty 2 Li-Ion Battery Charger for 23,100mAh
4106040380 APACHE3 Pro Hard Transport Case with casters
4105060008 Remote Controller (H30)
4106040343 Remote Controller Padded Case
4101030002 qty 2 RC&WIFI Antenna
4101020002 4G Antenna
2004020016 High Frequency UHF Radio Antenna
4105170019 ESC Debugger
0201050863 Silicone Grease
201050863  USV Spare Screws
2004050073 Power Adapter for Remote Controller
2004030046 qty 2 American Standard Power Cord for charger
0000000000 Tool Kit
0000000000 Floor stand
8004 010 024  

D270 Echo Sounder Package
(included with Apache 3 Pro)

$ 6,800

  H127010112 D270-H Echo Sounder
4103050015 D270 Transducer
2004030042 D270 Power cable
2004050068 D270 Power adapter(12V 4A)
0105000325 D270 DB9F/DB9F Serial port connection corss cable(1m)
4103030010 DC Power Cable
4103010007 5-pin 1K connector to male BD9 cable
2004030031 USB-Serial Converter(USB 2.0 to RS232)
0103013420 D270 Stand
0103013460 D270 Extension rod (top)
0103013461 D271 Extension rod (middle)
0103013462 D272 Extension rod (bottom)
4106040107 D270 Packing outer carton
4106040106 D270 Packing trolley case

Rentals, Charter, Training

A $1,500 deposit is required for rental and charter.



Apache 3 Pro, complete kit


Rentals are from the day after shipping until and including the day of return. Training is not included with rental. Data processing is not included with rental.



$ 8,000
$ 2,600
$ 900



Includes vessel rental, operator, data processing.
Transit Rental (shipping time) + Shipping + Travel: actual expenses




Day training at our Bozeman Montana facility
 mission planning
 data prep, processing, export

Included with boat purchase.

$ 1,000

Component pictures


click images to expand

USV in transit case

49.5" w x 29" d

Shipping/travel box

49.5" w x 29" d x 23" h

Floor stand

Box, stand, USV

Top view

Motor, close-up

Back view

Front view

Port-side view

USV bottom

Echo sounder transducer mid-center

Cased Android Controller

Controller, tool kit: UHF antenna, wrenches, spare Wi-Fi antenna for controller, drivers, dielectric grease, hand strap, hex wrench kit, ESC debugger, controller, charger

Wi-Fi (qty2) and 4G-LTE antenna

Batteries (qty 4)

4 @ 32.4V, 23.1Ah, 748.44 Wh Li-ion

10 lbs. each

Battery nameplate

Battery Connections

Battery State-of-Charge 100%

Battery Chargers
(qty 2)

Each charger will charge two batteries at a time. If only charging 2 batteries, use both chargers for faster charge.

Charger name plate

37.8 VDC @ 6 A
225 watts

Batteries in boat, looking forward through hatch, transducer center

Motor controller, D270 Echo sounder, GNSS receiver, looking rearwards

iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East #1;  Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA
+1 801 412-0011 Fax: +1 801 412-0022

email orders@igage.com   General iGage Information        v2024.12.27 AWS