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  Zoom 95 vs. 90  | Add/Exchange/Delete Options

GeoMax Zoom 95 Robotic Total Station

Ultimate Robotic Performance

Dramatically minimize the time for any survey task and boost your productivity, performance and accuracy. The GeoMax Zoom95 is the ultimate one-man system with full automation performance, extended reflectorless measurement capability, STReAM360, accXess technologies, standard radios and Windows CE open connectivity.

STReAM360: Fully Robotic

Scout: Quickly scans (Power Searches) the entire working area to quickly find the target prism at distances to 985 feet.
[ Video: Watch Scout in Action ]

TRack: Continuously track targets. Once locked onto a prism, the instrument remains accurately aimed on the moving target even when the prism passes behind an obstruction. Track will follow a round prism at over a 2,600 foot range.
[ Video:
Watch TRack in Action ]

AiM: Aims accurately at any prism's center, without needing to look through the telescope. Measurements are performed automatically with consistently high and repeatable dependability. Even on tilted prisms. AiM is effective to 3,280 feet.

X-MOTION™ Hybrid Drives

Zoom95 incorporates X-motion hybrid drives, providing high-speed high-accuracy automation performance compared to conventional robot drives.

The Zoom95 will follow a 300 foot distant target at 85 feet/second (58 miles per hour.)

accXess™ Reflectorless EDM Technology

GeoMax’s accXess EDM technology provides reflectorless measurements up to 3,280 feet.

The extra small laser footprint and sophisticated signal-processing technology, ensure you accuracy - regardless of the distance, target or measurement conditions.

Long-Range Bluetooth Radio Handle

The long-range Bluetooth radio handle (standard on Zoom95s sold by iGage) provides coverage up to 1,200 feet with standard long-range devices (like the Carlson RT4) and over 3,000 foot range with optimized data collectors (T18 with external antenna.)

The Bluetooth handle has a 1,000 foot range to most tablets including the 'Ranger 7.' The Bluetooth handle range to a modern Android smart phone or tablet is over 2,000 feet (see this Pixel4a range video for 1,900 foot example).

iGage Extended Finance

Any GeoMax robot package purchased from iGage is eligible for our 10% down, 24-month extended finance package (on approved credit). Details here [ iGage 10-24 ].

Compatible Software

Onboard: The Zoom 95 can optionally be ordered with X-Pad onboard. FieldGenius and Carlson SurvCE are also available.

External Data Collector: X-PAD, FieldGenius, SurvCE and SurvPC (Version 6.12 or higher required), on a variety of data collectors, tablets and PCs are compatible.

X-PAD has native GeoMax support and is the preferred data collection tool for new kits.

Only a subset of Windows Mobile devices interface directly to the Zoom 95: Surveyor2, Mini2, Surveyor+, LT30, LT35, T18 and T20. GeoCom keys are no longer available so the Nautix X8 and most other Windows Mobile devices are not viable data collectors.

All Windows and Android devices will connect without special consideration.

Additional Information

[ Brochure ]  [ User Manual ]  [ GetStarted Guide ]
[ Purchase Notes and Additional Information ]
[ Common Zoom95 Questions ]
[ Zoom 95 Action Videos ]
[ iGage Finance Information ]

Robot Service and Support

Every Zoom 95 robot purchased from iGage includes 1-year iGage Advanced Loaner Program coverage:

During the first year, iGage will provide an loaner robot while a defective device is tendered for warranty repairs. iGage prepays all shipping: UPS 2-day shipping to get a replacement robot to the customer quickly, prepaid shipping to return the defective robot to our repair depot and finally prepaid shipping to return the loaner device back to iGage.

Advanced Loaners are available for warranty service only, the GeoMax factory solely decides repair status.

iGage Advanced Loaner coverage is provided on all robotic kits purchased from iGage at no additional cost for instruments in the United States.

Robot Pricing

Please call or email us:

+1-801-412-0011   orders@iGage.com

to receive our kit prices. We will send you a simple one page grid that shows the price of every accuracy and range, all accessories and options.

We attempt to stock these accuracies and reflector-less ranges for immediate delivery:

5" A5     3" A5     2" A5     2"A10     1"A10

The 1"A5, 5"A10, 3"A10 are available by special order. 2022 Update: please call for availability, Zoom 95's are fully factory allocated.

Every Zoom95 Kit purchased from iGage includes a battery, a 360° Prism and free ground shipping in the USA.

iGage 'Extended Kits' (+$358) also include a 2nd battery and a SECO 5501-11 TLV Prism Pole.

Overnight shipping is also available for about $250 extra, please call to verify overnight shipping availability and verify the cost to your destination.

Extended Financing is available (OAC): [ iGage 10-24 ]

Zoom 95 Complete Kits
These items are included in with all Robot purchases:
Zoom95 Zoom95 Fully Robotic WinCE Total Station with AiM360, TRack360 and Scout360, 5", accXXess10 EDM, NavLight, alphanumeric keyboard with VGA color & touch display, Long Range Bluetooth Handle interface, internal Bluetooth, USB port, SD Card slot, Quick Guide
855818 ZMS108 USB Memory Stick 8GB
776093 Qty (1 or 2): ZBA400, Li-Ion Battery 4.4Ah, rechargeable
766872 ZCH201, Charger for ZBA201 & ZBA400
794088 ZDC301 USB cable
  ZTRx01, Tribrach without optical plummet (black)
834473 ZRT82, Long-range Bluetooth handle
834475 ZSD01 Industrial Grade SD Card, 1GB
832680 ZP1 360° Prism (Constants - GeoMax +23.1; Absolute -11.3)

Two additional items are included in the iGage 'Extended Kits':
776093 2nd ZBA400, Li-Ion Battery 4.4Ah, rechargeable
5501-11 SECO 2.6 Meter Swiss Style TLV Aluminum Prism Pole

Please call us for Robotic-Kit pricing, we will provide you a simple price grid that includes all device options, extended warranty pricing and common data collector kit pricing.

Our robot prices are very competitive, they include ground shipping (USA including Hawaii and Alaska) and will stand against other USA pricing.

There are four accuracies: 5", 3" 2" and 1" with two available reflectorless ranges: 500 meter and 1,000 meter.

This document: [ Purchase Notes and Additional Information ] details these options and other purchase considerations.

Prices updated Dec 24, 2024

Kit MSRP 5" 3" 2" 1"
accXXess5 $23,899
PN 6017103
PN 6017129
PN 6017104
PN 6017105
kit w/ 2nd battery, pole $20,990 $22,120 $23,426 $25,366
accXXess10 $25,399
PN 6017106
PN 6017130
PN 6017107
PN 6017108
kit w/ 2nd battery, pole $22,294 $23,426 $24,644 $26,584

Please call us for our street/sale pricing +1-888-450-4922.

Extended Warranty Pricing

An extended warranty for your robot allows you to know and fix the cost of ownership in the 2nd and 3rd year of the robot's life.

Extension Total Coverage Price
1-year 2-years from time of purchase $660
2-years 3-years from time of purchase $1,180

The GeoMax [ Factory Warranty ] covers defects in manufacturing, servo, ATR, and mechanical failures. These optional warranties must be purchased while the device is still under warranty.

Special Warranty pricing is available when bundled with the initial robot purchase. Call us for details.


New iGage Robot Kit Options

iGage offers equipment add/exchange/delete options for Zoom 95 Robot packages. The add/delete prices are ONLY available at the initial time of purchase.

Please request a formal quotation to verify these option prices.

Exchange 754384 GRZ122 for 832680 ZPR1 Prism, add $866.

Substitute a GRZ122 prism for the standard ZPR1 prism:
XPR1: => GRZ122

Add the 848428 ZTR201 Advanced tribrach, add $350.

ZTR101 => ZTR201

Delete 834473; ZRT82 Long-Range Bluetooth Handle, saves $1,871.

The Zoom 95 has internal long-range Bluetooth which when combined with a data collector that has Bluetooth 5.0 hardware results in 700' range, sufficient for most construction staking.
Note: deciding to later add a long-range handle at will cost $2,150.

Delete 832680; ZPR1 360° prism, saves $1,234

If you already have a suitable prism, it is possible to remove the ZPR1 360 prism from our kits. MSRP $1,270.

Add ZTR103 standard tribrach with optical plummet, add $277

The Zoom 95 includes a tribrach without an optical plummet so that the laser plummet from inside the robot can shoot through the tribrach base. Switching the tribrach will defeat the laser plummet, but allow for optical centering. We will not exchange tribrachs; however, we can provide you with a second tribrach for optical use and you can then utilize both as needed. MSRP $285.

Add a 2nd keyboard, add $905

PN: 916814, MSRP $1,040

Please call us and get a written estimate to confirm these add/delete options.

iGage also stocks replacement factory chargers, factory batteries, Zoom 95 factory external power kits, tripods, prism poles, prisms, tribrachs, cables, replacement Bluetooth antennas, case latches, case backpack straps, Bluetooth handles and many other Zoom 95 parts and accessories. These accessories are available for overnight shipping (except for batteries), please call us for confirmation and expedited shipping.



Zoom95 + X-PAD Field Software

X-PAD is optimized for use with the Zoom 95 robot and iGage has great Zoom 95 + X-PAD Bundles available. Call us and we will email you a bundled price grid showing X-PAD with the Robot of your choice.

[ Additional X-PAD Information ]

If you have an Android device available, we can provide a full featured, 30-day demo for you to evaluate. Our [ Getting Started Guide ] will help you quickly install, configure and test X-Pad.

Fast, simple, easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, full featured and extendable with these optional packages:

Total-Station Module Robotic Total-Station Module Road Module
Volume Module Bathometry Module Locator Module
X-Pole Module GIS Module Build Module
BIM Module    

X-PAD allows you to use an existing Android phone, tablet or a new rugged field data collection device.

Concerned about Bluetooth range to Android devices? Android devices with Bluetooth 5.0 have nearly double the range (some over 1,800 feet) of traditional purpose built data collectors like the Surveyor2, Mini2 and RT4:

[ Android Bluetooth Range FAQ ]  [ Pixel4a Range Video ]

Even inexpensive $120 Android tablets (like the Samsung A7Lite) will have 1,200 foot range in real world conditions.

If you are not familiar with X-PAD, we encourage you to try it out on your existing Android phone or tablet. Call us to obtain a fully functional 30-day demo: [ X-PAD Demo Instructions ]

Additional X-Pad Resources:

[ Getting Started Guide for X-PAD and Zoom 95 ]

[ X-Pad Users Manual ]  [ X-Pad Brochure ]

[ X-Pad Installation ]   [ X-Pad Ultimate New Features ]

Zoom 90


Zoom 95

Zoom 95 vs. Zoom 90

The Zoom 80 was the original GeoMax Zoom robot. In 2016 the Zoom 90 replaced the Zoom 80 switching the CF Data card for a standard SD card, an updated keyboard and updated Long Range Bluetooth handle.

In August 2021 the Zoom 90 was replaced by the Zoom 95. The Zoom 95 has these enhancements:

  Zoom 90 Zoom 95
Display 640x 480 VGA 800 x 480 WVGA 5”
Memory / Data Recording 1 GB 2 GB
Ports Serial; USB;
Internal Bluetooth;
External Long Range
Bluetooth handle;
External Power
Serial; USB;
Med Range Bluetooth;
External Long Range Bluetooth handle;
External Power;
WLAN (Wi-Fi)
Keyboard 35 keys 25 keys
Operating System CE 6.0 EC 7.0
Available Accuracies 1”, 2”, 5” 1”, 2”, 3”, 5”
MSRP Pricing*

1” A5
2” A5
3” A5
5” A5
1” A10
2” A10
3” A10
5” A10

(List Pricing)

(not available in Z90)
(not available in Z90)

(List Pricing)

[ see price grid ]

*Note: Street pricing for both Zoom 90 and Zoom 95 robots is significantly different than the MSRP. Please contact iGage for current sale pricing.

Zoom 95 Internal Bluetooth Note

The Zoom 95 standard internal Bluetooth range appears to be 7 times further than the Zoom 90. We observe 750 feet to a modern Android phone or tablet. This is sufficient for many applications making it reasonable to delete the Long Range Bluetooth Handle from standard kits reducing the deployment cost substantially. Because you can purchase a Long Range Bluetooth Handle at any time there is not much downside if you plan to use the robot only for construction projects.

iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East #1;  Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA
+1 801 412-0011 Fax: +1 801 412-0022

email orders@igage.com   General iGage Information        v2024.12.27 AWS