

The download tool is now updated using the iGx Download tool [ here ]


X90 Firmware

Updated firmware version 8.01 is available. This update addresses only one minor issue:
  Julian Date is 1 based instead of 0
which results in the Julian date in the filename being 1-day higher than expected.

We recommend that you not bother installing this update, unless the Julian date is a important part of your workflow.

EASY WAY>> Desktop tools Build 9154 and higher include an automatic update feature which is described in the online user manual included with the build.

HARD WAY>> Or you may use this link [ ] which will download a ZIP file from which you can extract the update tool (digitally signed executable) and instructions. The procedure is very simple and requires a COM port on a Windows based computer. It has been tested on Win XT, 7, 8, 8.1 in both 32 and 64-bit environments.

X900S-OPUS Firmware

There is currently no updated firmware available for the X900S-OPUS receiver.

Sample X90 Data Set

Since the X90-OPUS receiver emulates a USB Thumb Drive, if you have a thumb drive you can emulate a X90-OPUS receiver and evaluate the download tool.

Download this ZIP file:

[ Sample X90-Data ]

Extract the contents to the root folder of a thumb-drive. Plug the thumb-drive into your computer and you will be ready to evaluate the X90 Download Tool with real data.

Antenna Files

[ CHC X90D-OPUS .gra File ] (diameter and Height)

[ CHC X900S-OPUS .gra File ] (diameter and Height)

[ CHC X90D-OPUS .003 File ] (old style NGS Antenna Definition)

[ CHC X900S-OPUS NONE.003 File ] (old style NGS Antenna Definition)


[ CHC X90D-OPUS .atx File ] (new style Antenna Definition)

[ CHC X900S-OPUS NONE.atx File ] (new style Antenna Definition)


[ CHC Antenna .gra File ] (all CHC antenna)


The X90-OPUS is defined in the IGS Antenna Working Group's antenna.gra file:

Receiver Files

X90-OPUS: [ CHC X90D-OPUS .tab File ] (receiver description file)

X900S-OPUS: [ File ] (receiver description file )

[ CHC receiver .tab File ] (all CHC receivers)


The X90-OPUS receiver and antenna are defined in the IGS Equipment Description file:

GNSS Solutions

[ Registering the X90-OPUS antenna in GNSS Solutions ]


The X900S-OPUS receiver may not be a listed receiver in early versions of TBC / SPSO. Information about adding the X900S as a Custom Antenna can be found [ here ].