9802 B9802: 2024.1.19.9802 OPUS_Upload new version for distribution. B9801: 2024.1.14.9801 Too many changes to list, see the iGx_versions.pdf file Version information is a PDF Project folder on a network drive Beta OPUS Static is now full GNSS iGx wants you to use RINEX3, and iGx is serious about it! Constellation checkboxes mirror to OPUS submission page Read-Only-Receivers Wi-Fi Only Connection Receivers HCN Files Required Enable Log Screen Occupation Grid Pop-Up Menu Google Map link for apriori position CORS Station Helper B9722: 2023.11.2.9722 ShowMyPC download now is from secure HTTPS site. ShowMyPC (SMPC) content delivery tag is used for the destination filename which is now required by the SMPC code signing filename enforcement. Force Receiver Model button is now hidden except in Expert mode. The QC button should work again for 'many' files. B9721: 2023.09.14.9721 Files in the Project folder are no longer considered as Projects. Second button number 5 label changed to 6: "6. Force (re-)deploy CHCData converters". RINEX3 is now the default for new installations. It is now possible to force-set the receiver for blocks of occupations. Set the top occupation to the desired receiver mode. Then highlight the consecutive block you want to set. Click 'Force Rcvr Model', then verify the range. B9719: 2023.09.7.9719 YY Insertion: In some rare instances, raw observation files had unexpected names which resulted in the _YY_ tag ending up as the first character of the downloaded file. The first character of a downloaded .HCN file can not be an underscore as that marks the file as ignored. Thus for files ending up with a _YY_ tag added to the beginning of the filename, they would never be converted to RINEX (2 or 3). This only occurs on receivers that are set to record by X-PAD which allows any imaginable filename. This _YY_ or _YY tag is added to all .HCN observation files to insure that files from different years, always have different filenames which allows them to coexist in folders (like the _New project folder). Normally, this is achieved for RINEX files by encoding the YY into the file extension. B9719 now tries to add a _YY_ tag before the Julian day in the filename. Filenames like '______000A.', '_____000AA.'. '_____000A0.' and '_____000AA0' are supported. Otherwise, the year is added with a '_YY' tag at the end of the existing filename, before the extension. RINEX2.11: fn.bat.txt An extra file is now produced when RINEX2.11 is built for submission to OPUS or export. The filename matches the RINEX filename, the extension is .bat.txt. This file contains the exact command that TEQC was called with to produce the observation file. (If you change the extension to .bat and invoke it, it will regenerate the observation file.) Both the standard and error logs are now also kept. B9718: 2023.08.21.9718 If RINEX2.x is selected with BDS enabled, a warning is displayed offering to disable BDS. If RINEX2.x is selected and GPS is disabled, a warning is displayed offering to enable GPS. B9717: 2023.08.16.9717 Switched to CHCData version Extended TEQC to BeiDou - 65 SV's: '-n_Beidou 65' when generating RINEX2. The latest iG5's have updated UniCorecom firmware that tracks and exports C43, C44. We expect that C62 will become operational soon. BeiDou PRN's higher than 65 will need to be dealt with at a later time. Switched to RINEX3.05. See https://files.igs.org/pub/data/format/rinex305.pdf for a list of changes from RINEX3.04 to RINEX3.05. Important Note: the number of BeiDou SV's continues to rise. There is now (August 2023) a PRN C62 in-orbit, being tested. TEQC tosses a warning of 'unintended consequences' when the maximum number of BeiDou is set to 65. This version of iGx allows submission of RINEX2 files to OPUS with BeiDou SV's included, however it is STRONGLY recommended that RINEX3 be used for submitting files to OPUS. It is probably prudent to just ALWAYS use RINEX3 unless the external tool won't accept 3.05. The QC button uses TEQC RINEX2 files and we (iGage) are very accustomed to looking at TEQC QC files. So, for the near future RINEX2 will continue to be supported. CHCData supports writing 3.04 and other depreciated versions of RINEX3. No automatic provision is made by iGx for supporting them, however it is possible to manually change the RINEX3 convertor output to other versions. ... See complete iGx_versions.html for a complete list of changes ...