9703 B9703: 2022.7.06.9703 Button '5. Force (re-)deploy of CHCData' added to the Utilities pane. This button deletes both the RINEX2 and RINEX3 tools then re-deploys them. Fixed an issue with the archive single occupation button failing. A new iGx Download PDF User Manual has been extracted from the iG5 User Manual and is now distributed with the setup instead of the iG5 User Manual. This file is the new target of the 'User Manual' button on the main program tab. Map 'iG5' to 'iGage iG5/i73' when reading older .HCN files on receivers. B9702: 2022.7.5.9702 Fixed end time of trim for RINEX2 files. B9701: 2022.6.27.9701 Trimmer Help button was shown when in Simple, Normal settings. The initialization splash screen that asks for email, operator and agency no longer requests which service to use. A new installation will always default to OPUS. Some debugging messages have been hidden from the log. B9700: 2022.6.26.9700 ** MAJOR RELEASE ** Full support for RINEX3 added. New installations will default to RINEX2. Existing installations with RINEX2 files cached will automatically recompute RINEX3 files from the original HCN files as needed. RINEX3 operation will probably the best choice for all receivers in the future. However, at this time there is no difference between RINEX3 and RINEX2 for OPUS solutions. Added an 'Expert Mode' that allows the display of the HCN header, the RINEX header and pushing the Operator and Agency defaults to the selected observation. Expert mode also displays the Trim RINEX results if you make the window large enough. Start and End trim values are now remembered for observations. The Start and End trims are now honored for OPUS, RTX and Export. QC runs always use the entire files. Select Expert mode and make the window wide for assistance debugging Trim options. Exported files are matched to the selected RINEX version. It is now possible to start the CHCData tool in RINEX3 or RINEX2 from the settings tab. If you run CHCData, DO NOT change the defaults within the CHCData program! iGx will use either RINEX2 or RINEX3 observation files to retrieve the occupation information that it needs (Start, End, Interval.) If you change the selection (on the Settings tab) and you submit a file to OPUS or RTX, or EXPORT then the required RINEX x raw file will be produced at the time it is really needed. This allows you to switch back and forth between RINEX3 and RINEX2 without recompiling RINEX files for every downloaded occupation in the iGx project folder (which could take several hours!) Support for IGBE, CSRS and AusPos has been completely removed from the iGx download tool. If any system other than OPUS or RTX is needed, export a full rate file and submit it manually. HCN files smaller than 2000 bytes are now flagged as 'probably bad' and deletion is offered. Extended output is now ALWAYS requested if iGx is in Simple mode and the Extended checkbox is not visible. This will allow new users to utilize the iFeet/USSurveyFeet state plane coordinates listed at the bottom of the extended report. The 2055 version of OPUS_Upload, which has also been updated to implicitly support RINEX3 is now included. B9668: 2022.6.13.9668 The recording interval is now displayed in the 10th column of the grid when 'Show Advanced Settings' is set to 'Advanced'. B9667: 2022.6.10.9667 Move with 1 file selected was disallowed. B9666: 2022.6.10.9666 Added IGAI73 to antenna description for iG5. Both the 'Undelete Occupation' and 'Mark GPS File as UnRead' tools now allow multiple file selections. Allow multiple occupation row selection for: delete, archive and move. B9664: 2022.2.11.9664 Spaces are no longer allowed in the name of a project folder. The CHCData program (the RINEX converter) is intolerant of spaces in a file path. Previously, single spaces were allowed. A warning is shown when the program starts if this happens. The latest version of the OPUS_Upload tool has been added to the package: Version 2022.2.11.2042. A service button to launch OPUS-Upload (OU) was added to the Configuration tab. It pushes the entered email address, clears the HI and Antenna overrides and checks the extended checkbox by default. The OU filename is not modified. B9663: 2022.2.7.9663 The 'Loosen Filename Match' checkbox has been removed and is effectively always checked. X-PAD allows/encourages non-standard observation filenames. With this box unchecked, iGx_Download could not find non-standard files. There is now a higher chance that a drive with .HCN files which are not GNSS observation files might be errantly detected as an iGage receiver B9662: 2021.10.26.9662 New 'Beta OPUS' checkbox added which directs submissions to the Beta OPUS submission site. New constellation checkboxes added. This allows files intended for submission to OPUS to include constellations other than 'Just GPS'. These checkboxes are replicated on the Beta OPUS submission form, however they currently do not 'go anywhere' in OPUS processing. NGS expects to support additional constellations in late 2022. Exported files, written with the 'Export' button always include the extra constellations. The bundled TEQC version has been updated to the latest/last version to better support very high PRN numbers. Range check errors that occur when cleaning files on some heads have been addressed. A new checkbox allows you to clean files that have not been downloaded. This is useful for heads that have 5-year old data sets with no value. The UTC time zone selection has been made persistent between invocations of iGx. The time zone: 'local' or 'UTC' in use is now displayed in the column header of the Date column. The length of the log memo was increased from 300 to 20,000 lines.