News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.9.42
July 2023
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
Single point local coordinate system: fixed an issue related to
convergence angle.
fixed an issue in entering in DMS format.
External references: fixed an issue on adding new
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.9.40
July 2023
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
Maps: fixed a bad management of
the zoom levels on saving offline maps.
X-POLE: add new offset for MPR
122 prism.
Monitor: fixed a bug that caused
the telescope stalled vertically at the end of the measurement session.
Survey: fixed a bug on
measurements saved using prism offsets.
survey: Zenith16/25/40 fixed a bug that stopped the static survey accessing the
"GPS Status" page.
Survey: Fixed a bug that didn’t
allow the correct base point saving during raw data logging.
Labels: Improved labels
visibility management considering the layers on/off status.
Texts: Fixed an issue with the
Z-value of the texts linked to drawing elements.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.9.30
June 2023
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
· GNSS multi points calibration: it is possible to specify the method to use to calculate elevations
when more than two points are used.
o Average plane: this is the standard method always used by X-PAD
o Average shifts: this method define a horizontal plane based on the
average of all elevation differences
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.9.20
May 2023
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
· Maps: fixed some minor problems
with maps visualization.
keyboard: fixed some minor problems
with the input of numeric values.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.9.10
May 2023
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
Report: minor improvements and
bugs fixed in the job’s report.
· Aim360 on tape: Aim360 can be used now
with tape targets.
name: fixed a bug when the name
of the staked point was changed by the user.
Labels: fixed a bug on label’s
visualization during stakeout operations.
BIM: fixed a bug when a BIM
object was used for stakeout operations.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.9.1
April 2023
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.9.0
April 2023
This Service Pack #1 2023
includes a lot of many new features and general improvements. Please click below to download the detailed list.
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 1 - 2023
To have more information on
how to use the new features included in this service pack, please download the
guide from the link below:
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 1 – 2023 – How to use
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.8.22
February 2023
Satellites: fixed a problem with one receiver model on counting used satellites.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.8.20
February 2023
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
License: general improvements in license checking and license management.
base: fixed an error when shifting was applied to multiple measurements.
survey: it is now possible to switch from rover to static survey and return to
rover without to repeat the receiver configuration.
survey: fixed an issue with the length of the file name.
report: fixed a wrong value in the calibration report.
free station: reduced calculation time when several control points were stored in the
current job.
survey TPS: points were stored even without a valid measurement.
code: fixed an issue with the usage of custom symbols.
Report: improved volume calculation report.
TPS: a new command allows to restart the TPS.
DWG: DWG files can be imported without any limitation on Zenius
700 and on some Samsung tablet.
DXF: fixed some small issues in exporting topographic points in specific
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.8.10
November 2022
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
· Measurements automatic output: improved the speed of the
points by distance: fixed a possible crash of
the software in some situations.
system: it is now possible to use
a GNSS multi points localization to calculate elevations even if a cartographic
system is used as main coordinate system.
name as fixed attribute: a new fixed attribute is available
that is filled with the current site name. Fixed attributes can be added to
each GIS features.
job & External reference documents: if an external reference
document is changed in X-PAD 365 storage area for collaborative jobs, the
document is downloaded in the controller together with the job.
reference documents: when an external
reference document is changed the user is informed when the job is open and so
he is aware that something different will be used.
reference DWG: the intermediate DXF file
is hidden and cannot be accidentally used.
export – Report: in the Automatic Export
settings it is possible to decide to include the automatic generation of the
job’s report document.
export: fixed a bug in if this
command was used without an open job.
· Export KML/KMZ: measurement lines can be
included or excluded from the export.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.8.1
October 2022
License: fixed a minor license problem that could happen in some cases.
points with distance-distance: fixed a problem on some
controller models.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.8.000
October 2022
This Service Pack #2 2022 includes
a lot of many new features and general improvements. Please click below to download the detailed list.
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 2 - 2022
To have more information on
how to use the new features included in this service pack, please download the
guide from the link below:
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 2 – 2022 – How to use
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.7.70
September 2022
fixed some minor bugs.
· Zenius800 and licenses: improved the license
management that was lost in some specific circumstances.
shift: new base position can be
stored as topographic point.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.7.60
July 2022
fixed some minor bugs.
devices: the registration of the
hardware devices (total stations and GNSS receivers) can be done within X-PAD
Ultimate in one single click.
when folders content changes: when the content of the
folders stored in X-PAD365 changes (for example because an upload), a
notification is sent to the interested users and the notification is
immediately visible in X-PAD Ultimate.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.7.050
July 2022
fixed some minor bugs.
setup with traverse: various improvements.
RW5: exported offset values for TPS measurements.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.7.030
June 2022
fixed some minor bugs.
Satellites: some improvements in reporting the satellites PRN numbers and number of
used satellites.
line direction: fixed a bug in export of lines that have been inverted during the survey
of the point: fixed a bug that removed the description of the survey points.
fixed some minor bugs in defining the properties of a survey code.
as external reference: a DWG is used as external reference, can now be updated and it is
updated in the job files that are linked to it.
LandXML – Surfaces: supported additional visibility attributes on the LandXML
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.7.020
May 2022
fixed some minor bugs.
60 – 20hz: fixed a problem when Zenith60 was used at 20hz.
layer from Survey code: fixed a problem in adding a new layer from Survey code.
OneDrive: list was limited to 1000 files.
Stockpile & Pit: fixed a calculation problem.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.7.010
April 2022
fixed some minor bugs.
(first release): fixed a problem during
the initial connection.
– reference station name: fixed a problem with the
custom prefix of the reference station on Zenith60.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.7.000
April 2022
This Service Pack #1 2022 includes
a lot of many new features and general improvements. Please click below to download the detailed list.
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack
1 - 2022
To have more information on how to use the new features included in this
service pack, please download the guide from the link below:
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack
1 – 2022 – How to use
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.6.110
March 2022
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
view: circles are now displayed.
06: fixed a problem in reconnecting after a disconnection.
drawing: fixed and improved some special cases.
report: added Grid-To-Ground scale factor.
setup with traverse: survey code is stored and
prompted correctly for the measurements.
· Station equations: fixed a special case in
entering stations when station equations are defined.
· StarNet: improved export of data
in StarNet format.
Backup: fixed a problem with
automatic backup.
manager: improved registration of devices from X-PAD
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.6.100
February 2022
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
· Shared files and folders: added the possibility to access to shared files and folders.
· Registration: during the license activation it is possible to register to X-PAD365 to
get access to the new releases and all the technical resources.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.6.030
February 2022
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
Visualization: improved the
visualization of the dialogs in some controllers.
35 TAG: fixed a problem with interferences when TAG mode was used.
survey: removed saving sound for external points.
grid files: fixed a problem with large grid files.
DropBox: supported new policies
and regulations of Dropbox services.
measurements: added horizontal and vertical distances for TPS
RW5: improvements in the
exported information.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.6.011
November 2021
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
40 – Info receiver: fixed a bug on reading
the information.
and Traverse point: now is fully automatic;
with motorized total station the measurement sets are performed automatically.
station with F1/F2: removed an information message
that was not correct.
with photo:
a wrong attribute was assigned also to next measured points.
orientation TPS: fixed a problem with which there was no automatic rotation to the
to point with Free station 3D: rotation to the point
didn’t work if the station setup was a Free station 3D.
edge: fixed a problem on saving road edge data.
equation: fixed a problem on entering some values.
points in ASCII: a new option allow to export topographic points and reference points
all together.
12D format: improved the export.
RAW: added survey lines.
DXF: improved the option “Recognize point name”.
DXF – “Basic mode”: fixed a problem with polylines.
surface (Germany): fixed a bug.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.6.000
October 2021
This Service Pack #2 2021 includes a lot of many new features and general
improvements. Please click below to
download the detailed list.
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack
2 - 2021
To have more information on how to use the new features included in this
service pack, please download the guide from the link below:
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack
2 – 2021 – How to use
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.5.090
October 2021
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
Zenith 60: full support of the new GeoMax Zenith 60 GNSS
Zenith 06: support of RTCM3.1 messages.
· Sets of angles: fixed a bug when the
sequence A’A”B”B’ was used.
station F1/F2: prism is always maintained locked during the
measurement of the two faces.
· Manual triangulation: fixed a bug that didn’t
allow to do a manual triangulation between points.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.5.080
September 2021
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
Visualization: improved graphic
visualization and user experience in some controllers.
on the same point with TPS: fixed a bug when a same
position is measured two consecutive times.
GNSS base: fixed some small bugs in starting GNSS base.
16/40 – raw data: fixed a bug in
reconnection to a receiver that was logging Rinex
Stakeout: fixed a small bug related
to the offset.
Sideslope stakeout: improved the
visualization of the current and target position.
from DXF: fixed a bug in converting a drawing polyline into
a road axis.
in mm: fixed a bug when it was requested to export the data in DXF format as
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.5.060
July 2021
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
· X-TILT: fixed a problem in the
stored measurement.
· Bluetooth connection: improved reconnection
when connection is lost.
· Zoom10: reflector type and prism
constant are set before each measurement.
added two additional station setup methods; Backsight to point and Automatic
free station.
fixed some small issues in the exported format.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.5.050
July 2021
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
· Splines: improved visualization of
splines objects.
· Layers: fixed a problem with
command that switch on and off all layers.
· Sets of angles - delta: double visualization of delta
values; they can be referred to the average value or they can be the difference
between max and min value.
· Sets of angles - store: measurements can be stored without to update the
coordinates of the points.
· Block’s reference: insertion point of
block’s reference can be used for stakeout operations.
· Object info: for line objects the
corresponding azimuth/bearing is now displayed.
- 95: support of the new motorized and robotic total station GeoMax Zoom75
and 95.
width: it is possible to define the maximum width of the cross-sections; this
value is used to extract the cross-section view from the edge polylines.
value: fixed an error with station’s values if the current distance unit is in
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.5.030
June 2021
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
Map Server: support of WMS with a specific coordinate system;
in the configuration of the WMS it is possible to
specify to use the current coordinate system of the job.
base and raw data: fixed a problem with
antenna height when base is started together with raw data registration.
from polyline: center point is calculated if center polyline was
storage and Android 11: supported USB storage
with Android 11.
format for Denmark: import of SDL data
format for Germany: export data in MDD
Shape: general improvements and bug fixing.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.5.010
May 2021
bugs: fixed some minor bugs.
· Export ASCII: fixed a problem in
exporting headers of the columns.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey
release 4.5.000
April 2021
This Service Pack #1 2021
includes a lot of many new features and general improvements. Please click below to download the detailed list.
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 1 - 2021
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.4.040
March 2021
· ZeniusX: black screen appears in some situations due to limited memory. On this
device point’s icons are not loaded to have more memory free and reduce the
risk to have black screens.
· Points deletion: fixed some display issues with deleted points.
· Survey codes and linetype: fixed an issue with linetype defined in the
survey codes.
· Point’s labels: fixed an issue with visualization of the labels of the points.
· GPRS External – PPP mode: it is possible to connect to servers, through IP address, that transmit
corrections also with the GPRS External configuration (internet
on the controller).
· Static survey: fixed some issues with static survey and receivers Zenith 16/25/40.
· Auto free station – custom target: it is now possible to use the custom targets in the automatic free
· Zoom10 and tracking mode: fixed an issue when Zoom10 was used in tracking mode.
· Survey code: the survey code used to store a stakeout point is prompted for next
stakeout points.
· Closed loop traverse: fixed a problem in the calculation of closed loop traverse.
· Transformation from drawing polyline: it is now possible to have a multiple selection of the polylines to
transform in horizontal alignment or in edge polylines.
· Interpolated cross-sections: interpolated cross section didn’t follow the profile elevation. Now
they are interpolated but applied to the profile elevation at the requested
· Fixed small issues: fixed some small issues in some specific situations.
· New NMEA messages: supported additional NMEA messages transmitted by some echosounder
· DXF blocks with texts: texts included in the blocks are now imported.
· Road data in REB format: fixed a small issue in importing road data from REB format.
· External references: fixed some visualization issues with external references.
· Share and Android 11: fixed an issue that didn’t allow to share exported data on devices with
Android 11.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.4.030
January 2021
· Offset/Lengthen commands: fixed a small issue in selection.
of angles: fixed some small issues.
Store points & measurements: this option is now more visible and appears as a setting before to
start the bathymetric survey.
points: in case of overlapped
points, now it is possible to select from a list which one has
to be used for stakeout.
Report: fixed a bug in the report.
ASCII: now it is possible to import latitude-longitude-ortho and calculate
automatically the ellipsoidal height from the orthometric height.
· Raster TIF: fixed a problem in using World file of raster images in TIF format.
· LandXML: fixed a small issue related to the unit to use to convert
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.4.020
November 2020
satellites: fixed a problem with
visualization of used satellites.
· Static survey: fixed a problem with static survey and Zenith16/25/40.
X-TILT: now available also for Zenith35 NO TAG models.
Zoom10: made some general improvements in the connection with Zoom10.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.4.010
November 2020
· Geoid: fixed a problem with calculation on the boundaries of the geoid.
– TPS & Map:
fixed a problem with TPS position visualization in map view.
problem: fixed a visualization
problem on new job with cartographic coordinate system.
mode by default:
fixed a problem in case map mode is used as default view in Survey.
stakeout – slope from segment: fixed a problem with slope from segment option in road stakeout
TPS status: restore previous TPS EDM
status when MEP – Level point command is used.
map: fixed a problem with the
usage of DPI value.
Shape: supported import of MultiPointZ format.
VDV report: added in the list of the
possible export types.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.4.000
October 2020
This Service Pack #2 2020
includes a lot of many new features and general improvements. Please click below to download the detailed list.
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 2 - 2020
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.3.051
September 2020
· Minor improvements: several minor improvements have been introduced.
· Small bugs: several small bugs have been fixed.
10: implemented a better
support of Android 10.
files: exported files are now
immediately visible when the controller is connected to a PC. On some
controller it was necessary to disconnect and connect again the controller or
restart it.
on Zenius800: fixed some problems on
the Zenius800 related to the sketches of the topographic points.
· Static survey on Zenith16 / 40: fixed a problem on stopping static survey on Zenith16/40.
Base & log raw data on Zenith16/40: fixed a specific case in which base height was used in a wrong way.
of reference points:
fixed a problem on selecting reference points of the reference job.
Parabola: fixed a problem with the calculation of vertical parabola.
NIS Elenia for Finland: new export format.
format for Bulgaria:
new export format.
DandasTV XML for Denmark: new export format.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.3.040
August 2020
· Minor improvements: several minor improvements have been introduced.
· Small bugs: several small bugs have been fixed.
· Satellites number: fixed a problem with the satellite number (PRN).
· Number of seconds on point: fixed a problem on exporting to ASCII format the number of seconds on a
measured point.
Target height:
when controller is used in vertical (portrait) mode change the target height
require a double step. Now it is possible to change directly the target height
by pressing for at least two secs (long press) on the panel that report the
target height value.
fixed a problem with the usage of the GNSS on the controller.
Measurement report:
fixed a problem related to the orientation to one point.
measured depth can now be manually modified by the user.
Stakeout object:
fixed a problem related to the elevation in case offset value is changed.
Stakeout object with TPS:
fixed a problem in case distance is not returned (value 0) by the total station
during tracking mode.
fixed a problem when the point name is changed.
fixed a couple of problems in exporting data.
SDR33: fixed
a problem on importing and exporting SDR33 format.
Load survey code library:
fixed a problem when library is loaded from a USB memory.
DXF – Contour lines:
contour lines were exported in layer 0 instead in the right layer.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.3.030
June 2020
· Minor improvements: several minor
improvements have been introduced.
· Small bugs: several small bugs have
been fixed.
· Additional offset: added an additional
offset to better support external receiver that send position on the antenna
phase center instead of the antenna reference position (ARP).
· Zenith 40 – external radio: fixed a bug on
configuring the Zenith 40 with external radio.
· Zenith 16/25/40 - Start base: fixed a bug on defining
the base ID.
· Store photos: it is possible to decide
what type of photos has to be saved: all photos (low
resolution, high resolution and geotagged) or only low resolution, only high or
only geotagged.
· Set of angles: fixed some bugs and did
some improvements.
points with GNSS – laser: improved the command that
allow to measure hidden points with laser distance meter.
· Surface: now it is possible to
accept the point without to have to stop the measurements.
· Store point: it is now possible to
take a photo or draw a sketch also for stakeout points.
· Sideslope stakeout: several improvements that
allow to stakeout sideslopes with more flexibility and
to cover more cases. It is important to mention that now it is possible to get
the slope of an existing segment (previous or next) and also
define the sideslope (cut or fill) instead to use the
automatic system.
· IFC – Hide/Show: improved the performances
about hide and show IFC models.
· ESRI Shape import: now it is possible to
define an attribute to use as description of the point.
· External references DXF: it is possible to decide
if import or not BLOCKS entities.
· Raster map: fixed a bug in the
visualization of raster map georeferenced with X-PAD Office Fusion.
– MTEXT: fixed a bug in importing MTEXT when multiple
paragraphs were used.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.3.020
May 2020
Symbol not visible:
in some cases, the symbol of TPS was not visible.
Rinex 3.04: added the option to save raw data in Rinex
3.04 format for GeoMax Zenith 16/40 receivers.
with NMEA receivers:
fixed a bug on using generic NMEA receivers with X-Pole.
NMEA – mountpoints list: fixed a bug on loading mountpoints list with generic NMEA receivers.
· Photographic survey: added a new command that allows to take some photos of an object and
then transfer these photos, together with the standard survey data, to X-PAD
Fusion software and to the new X-PHOTO module for image processing. X-PHOTO
allows to process images and generates a dense point cloud and a 3D mesh.
am I: added the possibility to
have the vertical elevation difference from the current position and the
selected surface/layer.
· Export ASCII – Horizontal and
vertical distance:
added the possibility to export horizontal and vertical distances for TPS
WMS: did some improvements and support some new cases.
XML roading - Circle:
fixed a bug on importing a round-about.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.3.010
March 2020
label: if Bearing mode is used
the corresponding label is “Bearing” instead of “Azimuth”.
sideslope: fixed a bug when offset value was zero.
creation of triangles:
fixed a bug on manual creation of triangles.
with 3DFaces: improved the importation
speed in DXF with 3D faces.
LandXML – Plan features and Parcels: plan features and parcels are now imported from LandXML
SHP: introduced the
possibility to select how to export points when they belong to lines.
LandXML: fixed a bug in importing LandXML that includes
also surfaces or roads.
for codes: fixed a bug on importing
symbols made with small arcs.
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.3.000
March 2020
This Service Pack #1 2020
includes a lot of many new features and general improvements. Please click below to download the detailed list.
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 1 - 2020
News X-PAD Ultimate
Survey release 4.2.040
February 2020
· Black screen on first start: on old Android device the
first installation didn’t ask for the permissions that had to be activated
· Small bug: fixed several small bugs
in different part of the software.
· Commands manager: some commands were not
listed in the commands manager list.
· Surface and contour lines: contour lines are now
displayed together with the surface.
· Working area: working area settings of
the previous opened job were used also in the current job.
Offset: new objects created by
offset were stored in a different layer and not in the
one of the original entity.
· Unlock prism on disconnect: when the software closes it releases the lock of the prism.
· Multi codes: fixed a bug that didn’t
allow to select more than two multiple survey codes.
· Smart drawing – Close: fixed a problem with
Close command in smart drawing.
· Spline without code: spline polylines were
stored without the current survey code.
· Symbols from code: fixed a problem with
updates and size.
· Points from reference job: fixed a problem with
points imported from a reference job.
· Stakeout object – highlighted: the drawing object to stakeout
is now highlighted and more visible than before.
· Stakeout surface: measurement is now saved.
· Surface visualization: in case of more surfaces
all of them were displayed together.
· Snap from axis objects: axis objects can be used
as “snap to object” in the CAD commands.
· Road stakeout: fixed a problem with
next/previous station option.
· Plumb/Level: fixed a problem on these
commands with some TPS setup (reference axis, backsight to known points and others).
· DXF - Import Ellipse: ellipses are now imported
as polylines.
· DXF as External reference: it is now possible to
specify the units used in the DXF.
· DXF – inches: fixed a problem when
importing DXF in inches.
· Google Drive: fixed a problem with
Google Drive due to a change in the policies by Google.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.2.030
January 2020
· Area information: added Acreage value.
· IFC models: fixed some small bugs.
· NTRIP on controller: improved the connection,
stability, speed and automatic reconnection when NTRIP is managed by the
controller and not by the receiver.
· CAD – Stakeout circle: when a circle is selected
for stakeout it is now possible to decide if stakeout the center of the circle
or the shape of the circle.
· Move, Rotate & Scale: fixed a bug on saving the
· Import from drawing: fixed a bug on importing
an axis from a drawing.
· Horizontal alignment: fixed a bug when some
elements have zero length.
· Export ASCII: file was empty with some
specific settings.
DXF: fixed some problem with text alignment.
· External reference file on USB: when is added an external
reference and the file is on the USB memory drive, now is copied locally in the
site folder.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.2.021
December 2019
version below 4.4.4: fixed an incompatibility
problem in controllers with an Android version below 4.4.4.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.2.020
December 2019
· External references: fixed a couple of small
improvements: some general improvements for some specific cases.
Autocenter in drawing: in drawing commands the selected position is automatically moved on the
center of the screen.
· Zenith 16: support of the new GeoMax
Zenith 16 GNSS receiver.
· TPS output: added the possibility to
send out TPS measurements also through BT connection from the controller and
another device.
free station: added residuals difference and fixed a bug when report is created for
the second time.
Long Range BT adapter: fixed a problem.
improvements: some general improvements related to the graphic visualization during
the stakeout phases.
stakeout: possibility to use also Reference points.
sideslope: possibility to define the bottom elevation
by measuring a top reference point and then specify the excavation height.
· Where am I - TPS: possibility to accept and
store the point without to stop the tracking measurements.
DXF: general improvements.
NIS format: possibility to export with or without the elevation of the points.
· Geograf: new export format for Geograf software.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.2.008
October 2019
· Selection: fixed a problem with
· Labels of point: fixed a small problem in
· Reference station prefix: it is now possible to set
a prefix to the NTRIP reference station.
· Zoom10: some small improvements
with the use of Zoom10.
· Stakeout of points: general improvements.
· Distance & Offset: fixed a problem with
offset value.
· List of reference point: fixed a problem in
creating a list of points to stakeout from reference points list.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.2.005
October 2019
· Drawing polyline: fixed a problem in drawing polyline with point very close each other.
· X-Live share points: fixed a problem.
· Physical keyboard: improved the use of the physical keyboard on ZeniusX.
· Save points: fixed a problem on saving points in small size phone controllers.
· Automatic sideslopes: improvements to solve some specific cases.
· Breaklines: fixed a problem on selection of breakline by
Stakeout: fixed a problem if road doesn’t have surfaces.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.2.003
October 2019
· Zenius 800: some improvements in the use of the virtual keyboard.
performances: Improved drawing visualization performances in some devices.
polylines: fixed a special case in drawing polyline command.
- calibration: fixed a problem when return back to X-PAD from
Zenith 35 compass calibration procedure.
& offset: fixed a problem in the
visualization of the calculated point.
DXF: fixed a problem with
import of some types of DXF files.
fixed a problem on exporting surfaces.
supported new cases of IFC models.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.2.000
October 2019
This Service Pack #1 2019 includes
a lot of many new features and general improvements. Please click below to download the detailed list.
X-PAD Ultimate Service Pack 1 - 2019
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.1.100
June 2019
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs in some parts of the
· Download update: download stopped to work in case of rotation of the
· Label’s background: has been removed due to a slowdown of the
performances in many devices.
· Delete layer: fixed a bug.
· SmartDrawing: fixed some small problems.
· Tracking mode with TPS: fixed a problem in case of stop of the search
during the continuous measurement.
· DWG/DXF In: it is possible to import drawing in Inches.
· DXF external reference: fixed a problem with unique color.
· DXF and polyline with many vertexes: improved the importation speed.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.1.005
May 2019
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs in some parts of the
· Mesa2: fixed some problems when X-PAD is running on this
· Volume report: on some controller the image with the model was
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.1.000
May 2019
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs in some parts of the
· External reference DXF: fixed a problem with colors.
· Improvements: general improvements in CAD use and in the loading
· Polylines: fixed a problem on recalculating the position of
the vertexes when a topographic point changes its coordinates.
· Color by object: fixed an error.
· Labels on hidden points: labels are not displayed for hidden points.
· Info and object’s report: fixed some small issues.
· Configure from GPS Status: fixed a disconnection problem when the receiver is
configured within the GPS Status dialog.
· Automatic zoom: fixed a problem on the automatic zoom in “Direction
· Zoom 25: fixed a problem in tracking mode.
· Free station – automatic scale
factor: fixed a problem on very
first calculation of the results when the scale factor calculation mode was set
to “Automatic”.
· Free station - residuals: residuals are now displayed only if the measurement
is used.
· Multi code: fixed some problems on using the multi code option
and the corresponding drawing.
· Stakeout segment of a polyline with
Mesa: fixed a problem on Mesa
controller and stakeout of a polyline segment.
· TPS Stakeout - object: distance from beginning and from the end of the
object was reversed.
· GPS Stakeout – distance and offset: the current
offset value was wrong.
· Report stockpile/pit: fixed a problem with complete report in which cut and fill values were reversed.
News X-PAD Ultimate Survey release 4.0.900
April 2019
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs in some parts of the
· Polyline area: length is not calculated if segments of the
polyline intersect each others.
· Layout: distances are now managed as ground distances.
· Raster maps: fixed a bug in visualization.
· Improvements: general improvements in CAD use and in the loading
· RTCM1025: coordinate system defined by RTCM 1025 message is
used only if the current coordinate system is not a local GNSS calibration
based on multi points.
· Zoom25: fixed a bug on setting the horizontal angle.
· Zoom90 – Power search: fixed a problem with STOP button.
· Zoom90 – GeoTrail: with measurement F1/F2 search with GPS is
· Zoom90 – Mesa2 & Panasonic: improved the reconnection in case the connection is
· Zenith35: after the calibration it is possible immediately to
start to measure.
· Objects: distance from beginning and from the end of the
object is now displayed.
· DXF Arcs: fixed a bug with export of polyline with arcs.
· Import DXF without invisible layers: fixed a bug with polylines.
· Export DXF: variables PDMODE and PDSIZE are now defined; points
are then displayed in AutoCAD with a cross symbol.
· ESRI SHP: the current units for
distance is used.
· Map views: X-LIVE points are displayed also in the map view.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.800
March 2019
· Speed improvements: improved all the load and display operations of the
graphic data. Graphic data are loaded one time only and not every time as
before; this means that the switching time from the different part of the
software is now faster.
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs in some parts of the
· “Diamond” key on Mesa2: “diamond” key is used to open the Tools button; in
GPS/TPS survey it is used to enter directly free notes.
· Layout command: fixed some small problems with Layout command in
· North view: restored the north view in the graphic view.
· Elevation on arc: fixed the calculation of the elevation along the
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.703
March 2019
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs in some parts of the
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.701
March 2019
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs in some parts of the
· Area in feet: fixed an error on calculating the area in feet
· USB & Panasonic FZ-B2D: problems on using the USB memory with Panasonic
FZ-B2D have been solved.
· Compass calibration: if the internal compass of the controller is not
calibrated a warning icon appears in the graphic view. By clicking on the icon,
a dialog inform you on the calibration procedure. A
calibrated compass is necessary to have the best performance when the “2D
direction” and “3D” visualization mode are used during survey and stakeout
· Vocal commands: an auto learning procedure has been added. For each
command it is possible to instruct the system by repeating 10 times the
command. In this way the command recognition is much more reliable than before.
· Working area: in case of drawings with entities in opposite
positions (for example some entities are in local coordinate and other are in
cartographic coordinates) a new option allows to define the main working area.
In such situations a warning icon will appear on the bottom right of the
graphic area; by clicking on the icon it is possible
to define the main working area. The “Zoom all” commands return the working are
view instead of the full view and also the
visualization of the objects inside the working area it is perfect.
· Layers: fixed an error on deleting the layers.
· Area: the perimeter is drawn; the internal filling of the
area only when possible.
· GPS symbol: the symbol used to display the GPS position is the
one defined and used also in Survey and stakeout.
· Drawing: only entities in visible layers are now displayed
in the map.
· Linework: fixed an error an activating lineworks.
· FTP with folder: it is possible to define the subfolders in the FTP
area in which store the result of the measurement.
· Sokkia SDR: points in Sokkia SDR format can be imported.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.600
February 2019
· Small bugs: fixed some
small bugs in some parts of the software.
· Snap: fixed a bug on
· Delete measurements: it is possible
to delete measurements lines from the CAD.
· Zoom25/50: fixed an issue
on the target constant.
· Station elevation: reference point
can be measured even in Face1/Face2 mode.
· Drawing: fixed some
small issues on drawing created by measured points.
· Android 7 and 8: PicPoint is also supported on Android versions later of 6.
· Store data: fixed an issue
on storing some bathymetry data.
· Scheme: an
import/export scheme can be overwritten by new settings.
· GSI format: fixed an error
in export of negative target height.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.550
February 2019
· Language/Country: it is possible to select the language/country. For
UK and US, users can select English UK and English US. Some local options
(import and export formats) are available only with the corresponding
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs.
· Offset: fixed a bug with offset command.
· Distance & Offset: fixed a bug with distance & offset command.
· Station setup – 2 reference axis: fixed a bug.
· Point stakeout: stakeout of a point from the table of points causes
an error.
· Bathymetry survey: depth is stored as a separated value.
· Bathymetry survey: fixed a bug on storing data.
· Locator survey: depth is stored as a separated value.
· Locator survey: fixed a bug when locator was not available.
· DXF-DWG: white colors transformed in black.
· DXF - Arc: fixed a problem on importing arcs.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.520
January 2019
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs.
· External documents: fixed a conversion problem of external documents.
· License: fixed a problem with the license.
· Report: the report didn’t include the image of the surface.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.501
January 2019
· Zenith 15: fixed an issue with Zenith15.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.500
January 2019
· Job’s position: if not defined the job’s position is defined by the
first GNSS measured point.
· Job’s manager: if you hold on a job a new
option allows you to rename the job.
· Small bugs: fixed some small bugs.
· Generic NMEA External – RTK
corrections: in case of use
external GNSS receiver and communication through NMEA, it is possible to define
the RTK mode as “External GPRS (controller)” and send to the receiver the RTK
corrections. GPS Extended module is of course required.
· Station setup – Free station with
angles only: free station
with angles only now it is able to calculate also the
elevation of the station and not just coordinates.
· TPS Reconnection: fixed a bug with the connection of the TPS when the
connection was lost. It happened mainly with Getac Z710.
· Automatic survey TPS & GNSS: a new option allows to define the distance 2D and
the elevation difference; when the current position
overpass one of the two values then the point is automatically stored.
· Surfaces: fixed a couple of problems on the visualization of
the surfaces.
· Edge polylines: standard axis can be transformed in edge polylines
and assigned to a main axis.
· Carlson SurvCE
RW5: import and export of the SurvCE RW5 format.
· IFC: fixed a bug on importing IFC file with the geometry
in millimeters.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.400
January 2019
· Small bug fixing: some small bugs has been fixed.
· Getac Z710: fixed an error that didn’t allow X-PAD to start on
Getac Z710.
· Zenith35 – Radio FEC: radio FEC option (Forward Error Correction) can be
· Polyline - segment: fixed an error when trying to stakeout a segment of
a polyline.
· PicPoint: fixed an error that didn’t allow to use it.
· KOF50 for Norway: added the KOF50 format in the list of available
formats for export.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.300
January 2019
· Small bug fixing: some small bugs has been fixed.
· TPS rotation to point: fixed a bug when
rotation to point was requested.
· Reference line: a new option
allows to define a rotation of the reference line.
· Cartographic coordinates: fixed an issue
with visualization of BIM model in cartographic coordinates.
· DXF: fixed a bug on
DXF export.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.220
December 2018
· Small bug fixing: several small bugs has been fixed.
· Fast loading: added a new option that allows to load drawings
faster. Properties (color and linetype) by entities
are ignored and are used the main properties of the layer to which the entity
belongs to.
· Ignore properties by entities: in importing DXF and GFD files it is possible to
ignore the properties (color and linetype) by entity
in order to have a faster loading of the drawing in the CAD viewer.
· Store measurements on external files: it is possible to store the measurements of each
session on an external file. This means that main job file doesn’t increase its
size due to all measurements stored.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.201
December 2018
· Zenius700: fixed a bug on CAD visualization.
News X-PAD Ultimate release 4.0.200
December 2018
· Waiting cursor: waiting cursor appears for slow devices.
· General improvements.
· Several small bugs fixed.
· Points already staked out: it was not possible to select points already staked
· Survey lines: they were not selectable.
· Road stakeout: option to have the station from the beginning of
the axis or the distance to the target station.