LGU3 Logan Utah USA >>> Position <<< See: https://igage.com/out/CORS/LGU3_LoganUT/LGU3_PositionNotes.txt for latest position summary information. >>>> Antenna <<<< Antenna: 'ARFAS13DFS ARFS' See: https://geodesy.noaa.gov/ANTCAL/LoadFile?file=ARFAS13DFS_ARFS.atx Antenna Serial Number: 3199517 >>>> RINEX <<<< FTP: apis1.us User: igage PW: 2337 RINEX: look in /rinex/yyyy/ddd/lgu3 ftp://igage@apis1.us/rinex A 24-hour daily OPUS solution summary is available here: ftp://igage@apis1.us/opus/lgu3/lgu3_opus.prn A plot of daily positions is available here: ftp://igage@apis1.us/opus/lgu3/lgu3_opus.png >>>> UHF Radio Access <<<< 464.725 MHz Satel 3AS 9600 Baud, 12.5 KHz Bandwidth Forward Error Correction OFF ("SATEL /F" in Trimble nomenclature) FCC ID: WQDN367 >>>> NTRIP Address <<<< Note: When downloading the Mount Table in Trimble field software, click the Filter button to show all stations. This is NOT a VRS connection so it is not necessary to send a GGA sentence. The DIP (TCPIP) connection does not require a username or password and may be more reliable with marginal cell coverage. NTRIP 1.0 Address: apis1.us Port: 2101 User: igage PW: 2337 Mount Point: LGU3_RTCM33 >>>> DIP (TCPIP) <<<< No password, no SSL/TLS. Address: apis1.us Port: 2168