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CHCNav CGO2 (CHC Geomatics Office Version 2.0)

CGO2 is a simple post-processing engine that utilizes GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou static, kinematic and Stop-and-Go data.

CGO is licensed with a hardware dongle. Fully functional demos are available (see below for installation and activation instructions.)

[ Videos ]  [ FAQ's ]  [ Pricing ]  [ Download/Demos ]

Brochure, User Manual and Workflow Helpers

[ All Workflow Help ]

[ 0. CGO2 Demo Registration ]

[ 1. CGO2 Work Flow Projects ]

[ 2. CGO2 Work Flow Import ]

[ 3. CGO2 Work Flow GNSS Baseline Processing ]

[ 4. CGO2 Work Flow Adjustment ]

[ 5. CGO2 Work Flow Site Calibration ]

[ 6. CGO2 Work Flow Datum Transformation calculation ]

[ 7. CGO2 Work Flow Online Map ]

[ 8. CGO2 Work Flow Sync With Cloud Server ]

[ 9. CGO2 Work Flow Sync With Controller ]

[ 10. CGO2 Work Flow data processing ]

[ 11. CGO2 Work Flow LandStar 7 PPK ]

[ 12. CGO2 Work Flow PPP ]

[ 13. CGO2 Work Flow Road ]

[ 14. CGO2 Work Flow UAV ]


30-day no-charge demos of CGO2 are available. Just install the complete CGO2 and then send your machine code to us at orders@igage.com; we will send you a activation code and you can try CGO2 for a month.

[ Watch Video ]

The traditional processing tools (GNSS Solutions) for observation files from PM500, PM800, PFx00, ProMark 2, ProMark 3 and ProMark 120 receivers no longer work after the WNRO (Week Number Roll Over) event of 6 April 2019.

This video shows how to convert observation files to RINEX using the latest Spectra RINEX converter, then process the resulting files against CORS using CHCNav's CGO2.

[ Watch Video ]

It is pretty straightforward to add a GEOID to CGO2. This video shows how to download a GEOID from the NGS website and apply it to a project.

[ Watch Video ]

CGO2 comes with all antennas listed in the NGS Antenna database installed. But if you encounter an unsupported antenna or a new antenna, it is easy to import the .atx antenna definition file.

[ Watch Video ]

Processing and adjusting an Alaskan multi-site, multi-receiver, multi-manufacture job and then comparing the results to OPUS-RS. Twp sites are constrained to OPUS-Static coordinates and four sites are computed.

[ Watch Video ]

A comparison of CGO2's output with GNSS Solutions and the NGS Coordinates using very long baselines between CORS.

[ Watch Video ]

6 1-hour observations are post-processed, holding one site fixed and computing the remaining 5. NGS CORS sites around Chicago are used and the results are compared with the CORS posted coordinates.

[ Watch Video ]


iGage maintains special incentive pricing for CGO2 license bundles. CGO is downloaded from the web and activated by a USB Dongle:

Description PN Price
CGO2.0 USB Dongle 8001 000 030 $60
CGO2.0 PRO LICENSE 1904 120 004 $190
CGO2.0 POST-PROCESSING LICENSE 8001 000 035 $590
CGO2.0 UAV LICENSE 1904 120 006 $690

Post-Processing Bundle

CGO2.0 USB Dongle + Post-Processing 8001 000 036 $620

Installation / Demo Installer

Click > [ CGO2_Installer ]  the choose the latest full installer. (The download file is available as a .EXE file or a .ZIP file which contains the installer.)

Checkout [ FAQ: Demo Registration ] and the how-to video [ Installing ] for information on activating a 30-day fully functional software trial.

If you are in the United States, we (iGage) can supply you with a demo CGO2 evaluation code:

Email your name, phone number, company name, address and machine code to:

If you are outside of the USA, please contact your local [ International CHC dealer ] we will not sell or support CGO2 outside of the USA.

Sign-up for the CGO2 mail list to automatically receive notifications of new CGO2 versions:

iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East #1;  Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA
+1 801 412-0011 Fax: +1 801 412-0022

email orders@igage.com   General iGage Information        v2024.12.27 AWS